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Test print of the Hill Giant. Still not sure how I feel about black borders. Reads nice, but how may ink cartridges need to die...



Mike Gibb

I'm a big fan of the black borders - really makes the figures "pop". Plus once they have been edged, the borders don't stand out on the tabletop as much as white ones do - they tend to blend in with the background. Personal taste, I guess.

Mike Gibb

PS - that is a fantastic figure Marshall!! Very much looking forward to this set.


Yeah, I can see why people like it, and i kinda feel like the odd man out for not really minding the white borders. In any case I'll be making sure all my minis have the option to do either.


That has been pretty you ! .I The print photo paper and for me it is better in black , because if not touch me paint with pen and is not equal


I think it looks more professional with borders, but then all the ones before this don't have that option :/


Yeah, unfortunately that's the downside of me figuring things out as I go :/ I am working to update older files to the new format, but it's a process in between doing the new minis each month.