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Back in early 2020 when I was first looking into trying to do more modular art work (swappable parts that enable me to recycle poses/pieces so I could offer more variety efficiently) I kept stumbling onto concept art for a video game called Hunt: Showdown. While the setting/era of the game was completely different then the more traditional high fantasy stuff I normally do I was impressed with their approach for mix-and-matching recycled art elements to create a massive cast of unique/cool Hunters.

I fell in love with the vibe/atmosphere of their game and often day-dream about trying to homebrew some version of it as a tabletop skirmish game - if only to have an excuse to make paper minis for it :D

Anyhow, I did a fan art mini based entirely off of their "Hive" monster. Functionally/mechanically in the game she patrols areas and when she is "triggered" by a player she lets out a terrifying scream and releases a deadly swarm of poisonous wasps that swarm after the player (effecting their vision, preventing healing, and dealing poison damage).  Feels like something that would be right at home in D&D and offer some variety to your more traditional zombies. I recommend pairing it with the Insect Swarm paper mini I also just released.

This fan art paper miniature of a Zombie Hive is available entirely for free here,

Zombie - Hive - 01

This Zombie Hive paper miniature is unofficial Hunt Showdown Fan Content. Not approved/endorsed by Crytek. Portions of the materials used are property of Crytek. 2021 ©Crytek GmbH.




This rules. I love undead variants, they give you a great opportunity to surprise your players and keep combat interesting.


This stuff is SO cool! But... Do you have a sister company that does science fiction/science fantasy characters? Particularly Starfinder? Those four-armed kasatha are hard to find, and even hard to find something to substitute for.


I wish! I'd _love_ to start doing sci-fi stuff. Eventually I will, just need to ramp up my ability to process the formatting end so I can spend more time making all the fun art...


Love it.


Ooooooo, YES, I would also love some Starfinder stuff, hope it can happen someday.


More of this please. This is really nice.


Thanks! I plan on doing a few more minis based off some of the other Hunt monsters (armored grunts, hell hounds, the assassin, etc)