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Hey Everyone!

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that the website is currently down for maintenance and we'll have it back up ASAP.

Sorry for any inconvenience and I'll follow up with an update soon as it's back online.

Thanks for your patience,



Website is back up, but we're having to copy a few files over from our backup so not all entries are fully functional yet. I'll update again once everything is fully as it should be. Sorry again for the inconvenience.


Ah, so this is the reason why some minis are unavailable :)


I'm looking forward for the rest of the minis. I have a game coming up in Friday and still need to print some drakes and spiders


I just re-uploaded the Gazer files for you here, https://printableheroes.com/minis/226 They're also now supported by the website's PDF Creator.


Thanks for the fast response :) I'm staring a Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign in a few weeks, and still collecting the material to print