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Hey Everyone! Tis the winter season once again and I'm looking for suggestions on what to add to this years Winter Seasonal Minis (last year was Krampus themed).

Please comment below with what you'd like to see and in a few days I'll go through and collect the most requested ones and the ones that inspire me into a poll for a vote.

Tanks and Cheers!



FGA (Fantasy Grounds Academy)

I'd like to see an evil snow man with a minion or perhaps an ice witch with crystalline details and snowy perfection.


Evil snow people (of the Frosty variety) and Toy Soldiers!

Steven Quinlan

My immediate reaction is something evocative of Frozen without, I hasten to add, stepping on Disney's copyrights. There's plenty of snowy imagery, which is apropos for fantasy miniatures and the entire setting lends itself well to something like D&D

Preston Phillips

Given last year was Krampus, I'd personally love to see a Santa (elder Elf?) and the Elves set. Could work well for a quest giver with an evil twist, or just the outright opponent for unknowingly evil aligned players.


I’d love to see a Christmas Carol theme. With Scrooge and the chain covered ghost of Marley. As well as the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future. And ditto to the evil snowman as well.

Benjamin Palmer

Animated Sack of Presents Basically a mimic crossed with a gelatinous cube. A creature engulfed by it can try to search for treasure inside at the risk of suffocating.


christmas theme sounds great, though i would like more props (maybe icy cave stalactites etc.)


I love the idea of an ice witch or some winter elves. Something explicitly Christmassy is not going to be something I'd ever use, cool design or not, but there's plenty of mileage in seasonal imagery.


I think a Toy Soldier Construst / Golem would be good for a "Festive" theme. An Abominable Snowman/ Yeti for a winter theme


Crystal/ice golems. Crystal, psi spiders.


Animated christmas tree, animated chains of christmas ghost?

Sam Gardner

For the winter season the inclusion of the Bheur Hag would round out the icy villains already available. For a more seasonal bent, icy fey servants of Mab would be delightfully evil.

Comfy Dragon

https://www.dmsguild.com/product/292898/The-Baphomet . this race on dms guild is amazing! but i cant find any minis for it!. its a satan , goat like race. and its very fun to play! how about that? :)

Christopher Lee

Gift box mimics. Christmas tree-ant The Rodent Lord of Winter, and his band of lycanthrope minions. (maybe with some seasonally dressed Warforged.)


A frozen gelatinus cube, a frost giant, a snowy ent, a diabolical grinch, antlered winter solstice druid, a night king, teh eberron children of winter, a frost dragon....


Artic creatures like polar bears


Kris Kringle a a gnome tinkerer with a few gnome helpers would be pretty sweet.

Paul Adams

I like the idea of actual snow creatures like polar bears, but also some new ones like Ice Elemental, Animated Snowman, Arctic Barbarians, that kind of thing.


Dire Elk (Elk are already scary - make them bigger) and Undead / frozen variant. Also would love snow covered tree terrain options, maybe some flat features like snow covered rocks, pines, etc


Hello, my suggestion would either be Ice Imps or Ice Pixies.


Like someone always said, the Grinch could be fun. Maybe a ghost from ancient Christmas with chains .

Scott Tee

I love the idea of the Grinch I second the idea that present mimics would also be super cool, My idea, it could be a warforged puppet style Santa with Pinocchio inspired elf minions and trick presents.


+1 for the Xmas Present Mimic! 🎁


Some demented mage, who also happens to be a baker, made gingerbread cookies. Except they're monster-shaped. And monster sized as well. (Gingerbread and candy cane versions of classic monster, like dragon, griffin, and such.)

Tiago Frossard

- Animated Xmas Tree - Animated Snowman - Frost Elemental - Blizzard Elemental - Dire Elk - Present box mimic


The only thing I want for the winter holidays is for the list of backlogged cut files to be completed. 😊


Kuo-toa as little helpers :)


Frost worms, snow queen (evil or not), Christmas ghosts/ ghosts of adventures past

Sean Riley

Given Avernus being the current hardcover, I'd like to see a Devil Santa. Maybe with some crafter imps as helpers.

David Geary

I'd love an evil Snow Queen, perhaps with a trapped villager in ice? Very Hans Christian Anderson!

Adrian Orlando

Kaliena's suggestion of snow covered terrain is my favorite I'm seeing. I also like: -Ice Elemental -Dire/arctic Beasts (Dire Bear, Dire Elk, Dire Weasel) -Snow Queen -Arctic PC characters, could be barbarians only but also druids and rangers would be cool.

Kurt Stoffer

WHITE DRAGONS get my vote.


Viking like PC maybe?

Ashley Tattersall

Wendigo?? Ice warriors ??since there is no Doctor Who Christmas special???

Alistair Lamb

A Yuki-onna, from Japanese mythology (though not Christmas themed specifically) could make a stunning figure.


I have two words - Christmas Mimics.


Presents. Stockings. Trees. Chimneys. Santa’s Sleigh (or Slay). You name it, you mimic it.


Wendigo, white dragon set,

Mathew Smith

Maybe some evil snowmen, Xmas themed mimics, xmas boxes, Xmas trees, a fire place some more stuff to go with the krampus set

Hans Lindgren

Evil santa is a good idea

Dustin K

"Frozen" homages. An ice queen and her sister. A snow goblin. An ice abomination. Evil reindeer. Snow spell effects. Etc.


I would love to see snow terrain maybe snowmen with evil skin to transform into and rocks etc but as for creatures maybe snow goblins, maybe children tied up that we could rescue. Also maybe a snow boss we could fight at end of cave/dungeon. Thanks


Gotta add a vote to the present mimic.


The Revenge of the Undead Gingerbreads!


Rabid reindeer! Led by the terrible werereindeer Rudolph!

Igor Krainovic

im seconding the evil santa where reindeers could be some sort of Cenrak Steeds, Nightmares, maybe even Equestradons


Mimics, mimics all the way !

Fredrect Fanning

Mab, the Winter Queen of Air and Darkness, Ruler of the Unseelie Fey

Ariel Sosa Visconti

Santa Claus Warlord with Christmas Goblins Minions!!

Landon Jamieson

Regular elves dressed like Christmas elves. Jack Frost type character.

James Clark

My first holiday oneshot invovled a Reindeer style minotaur, very much the same visual profile as a werereindeer in hybrid form. I support this.

James Clark

Pine Treant w/ Awakened Pinecones


Frost Giant with suspiciously santa claus-like clothes and features

James Clark

Polar Werebear

James Clark

finished Blizzard Golem/Frosty variant

James Clark

Ice Mephits (which are super easy to reskin later on ;P)

Benjamin Rhoades

My suggestions are: Frost Giant, White Dragon, Roc, Winter Eladrin


I absolutely agree with this. Winter-themed, but not so specifically "holiday".


I'd love Eladrin!! And a Roc!


Winter Fey of some sort. Ice Sprites vs Snowflake Fairies, some lovely, and sweet looking, some with a wicked look to them. Sugar and Spice. Maybe two minis and each with an alter to make it look sweet and wicked.

Vicky Radcliffe

Anything frost related but with red hats on

The Insane Dump

Goblins in winter elf outfits. Zombies wearing ugly christmas sweaters.


Winter Eladrin male and female.

Matthew Staunton

I would love to see some goblins in little santa outfits or kobolds.