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This next set might take a bit of explaining… My partner and I are expecting a baby (!) and she felt there were not enough strong pregnant characters in D&D fiction and despite one obvious example to the contrary (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0587.html) she was adamant that this under appreciated minority needed more representation. She was so dedicated to this idea that one morning I awoke to find she has spent a sleepless night scouring the entire D&D Monster’s Manual and hand drawing a selection of pregnant monsters to inspire me. So to honor her efforts and all future badass mothers-to-be, here is her pregnant Sahuagin sketch and my printable mini interpretation of it...




Congratulations! I wish a lot of joy for you and your partner. :-) She would like also a lovely pregnant human figure, imho. ;-) Not only monsters. :-D