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Hey Everyone! It's December and the year is almost over – craziness – so it's time for another quick summary update! 

For anyone just tuning in I try to do one of these little update/newsletters at the start and middle of each month to recap what has been created, give updates on on-going projects, preview new stuff and just generally check in with everyone.   

Quick reminder that all of the miniature links below go to the Printable Heroes Website Catalog and you may need to log into access your Patron Rewards (I know, I know, it would be great if it remembered you longer – that's in the works I promise :)

Winter Is Coming...  

The Fall Seasonal minis have finally be packed up and stored in the attic. They'll return on September 1st of 2019 along with new additions to celebrate next years Fall Season. 

This year's Winter Seasonal minis have been voted on, I'm steadily working through them (along with a few extra ones because I couldn't resist building a whole narrative one-shot around Krampus), some spoilers in the above image and you should start seeing the first ones getting released here in the next couple days.

Released in November

November was another very busy month for me (I wouldn't have it any other way) and here's a quick run down of the minis that were released last month.

Barkeeper & Retired Adventurer

Barkeep files are available here.

Retired Adventurer is available here for Tier 2+ Patrons.

I also packaged up the color version of the Barkeep I used to represent Durnan* in the Dragon Heist game I'm DMing and made it available for Free here (under the Barkeep Entry).

*This Durnan paper miniature is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.  

Wizard & Chronicler     

Chronicler files are available here.

Wizard files are available here.

I also packaged up and made the color version of the Chronicler I used to represent Volo Geddarm* in the Dragon Heist game I'm DMing and made it available for Free here (under the Chronicler entry).

*This Volo Geddarm paper miniature is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.   

Swashbuckler, Bard, and Duelist

Swashbuckler files are available here.

Bard files are available here.

Duelist files are available here, for Tier 2+ Patrons.

I also packaged up and made the color version of the Swashbuckler I used to represent Renaer Neverember* in the Dragon Heist game I'm DMing and made it available for Free here (under the Swashbuckler entry).

*This Renaer Neverember paper miniature is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.  


Dryad files with a bonus Mystical Grove battle map by MapHammer is available here.

Sciurian Inquisitive

Sciurian Inquisitive files are available here.

Half-Orc Warlocks

Half-Orc Warlock 01 files are available here. 

Half-Orc Warlock 02 files are available for Tier 2+ Patrons here.

Council Miniatures

Last month's Council selected the Drow Priestess and Elf Paladin variant. I also did an extra Elite Drow Warrior variant. If you'd like to get involved in December's Council mini process you can check out the December 2018 - Council Suggestion thread available to Tier 5+ Patrons here.

Drow Priestess files are available here.

Drow Elite Warrior files are available to Tier 2+ Patrons here.

Elf Paladin files are available here.

Milestones/Goal Rewards

I like to celebrate Goal Rewards at major milestones by creating special miniatures and releasing them for free to the Tabletop RPG community as a way for my Patrons and myself to help the community access minis that might not otherwise have affordable options.

We hit two milestones last month! Special thanks to all of my Patrons who made that possible :)

Strahd von Zarovich* files are available for here.

 *This Strahd von Zarovich paper miniature is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.  

These Intellect Devourer files are available here.

The next Milestone/Goal Reward is a set of cute/gross Gazer minis. Thanks once again to the Patrons who make these Goal Rewards possible!


I will occasionally update the art, formating, etc for older paper miniatures.

I found out I could release the Lady of Pain outside of the DMG as fan art, so I cleaned up the art a little bit and re-released Her Serenity, the Lady of Pain*, she's now available here.  

 *This 'Her Serenity, the Lady of Pain' paper miniature s unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.    

Upcoming/Current Works in Progress

Been moving the Kraken forward, this will be a big 4-5 piece mini that should get finished up this month.

I'm gonna really try to finish up that set of City Watch minis that keep getting bumped out...

Still got the Kobold re-work/update in progress.

Beyond that I've just started exploring some designs for new minis that can represent some of the NPCs/Monsters in Chapter 3 of the Dragon Heist campaign I've been running, so we might see some new designs coming out of that process this month.


Specific news for the Printable Heroes Website Catalog.

New Filter system is in place, though we're still in the process of fully updating all of the entries, but you should start to be able to play with the more detailed filter options! 

In Other News

News and/or recommendations from around the tabletop/RPG community that I find interesting.

WotC released their 5th Edition Errata, most notably including some adjustments to the Beast Master subclass. You can find out more about it here.

Most of my free time has gone to reading Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica and Dungeon of the Mad Mage (and day dreaming about all the minis I want to make for 'em, lol), so I've been pretty out of the loop, but I wanted to remind everyone of the Geek Tank Games Tabletop Tokens 2 Kickstarter will be wrapping up in a week, so if you want to get in on it now is the time :)

It's was super cool getting to be involved with this project and seeing the tokens go from art to a full product. Definitely recommend checking 'em out if you like drawing your own maps but have trouble fielding some of the more intricate scenery/elements/set pieces.

Oh, and you'd also get this cool double sided Feast Table Token I made as a special promotional for 'em (I spent way more time on it then I did for my actual thanksgiving dinner lol)

Other stuff that has been going on around the paper mini community:

Kev of Paper Craft Dungeon recently released a set of halflings.

Jess of Trash Mob Minis made these Fire Newt Minis available for free here. I also think he'll be coming out with a full set of them later this week.

Mike of Paper Realms has been creating cut files for other paper miniatures creators like Trash Mob Minis and Okumarts (with permission) - you'll still need the art PDF files from the artist, but he's supporting cut files for 'em - You can check out his Patreon here.

I just found out about another paper miniature creator, Ymia, who has a very fun and distinct art style, you can check out their Patreon here.

Alright, I think that's all I got at the moment. Whew, glad that's done, now I can safely retreat back to the art mines.

Cheers everyone, here's to divin' into another exciting month!




P.R. Scholtz

Dang, thats a lot of minis this month, great job man!

Ariel Sosa Visconti

It's really awesome what you keep drawing man!!