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Hey Everyone!

The PrintableHeroes website is getting closer to it's initial launch and I wanted to open it up to  patrons to check it out early and shout out any feedback and/or thoughts.

You can check it out here: https://www.printableheroes.com/

It's my hope that this new site will eventually replace the file organization system on Patreon and streamline the process of finding the miniatures.

I appreciate any feedback/ideas you can provide.





Maybe its just my PC but the animated object, goblins, awakened shrubs and a few others don't have images; just the black square.


One thing I noticed was that if im viewing less than 120 per page and click on one, navigating via the browser back button takes me back to page one regardless of which page I was on.


I LOVE how easy this is to “shop” and access the files. Thank you so much for moving to this kind of platform!


Are the files able to be downloaded from the website yet? Gives me an error message.

Ariel Sosa Visconti

This site is a great idea! I have two things to say for now: first, when I refresh on another page that it's not the first one, it takes me back to page number 1. Sencondly, I would like to be able to download the PNG files from the older miniatures, like the bugbear, since I make my own sheet of miniatures to be able to cut them with a laser cut machine.


hmm after loging in when i try to go to the homepafge its loads for a long time and then i get en error page


It certainly doesn't seem to work at all in Firefox. I was able to authenticate via Patreon. But, browsing, all images are broken and the text overlaps until the image fails to load. With a broken image, it's white text on white background (with a little of the black). Then clicking on one gives an ASP.net error: Error. An error occurred while processing your request. Request ID: 0HLE70R7CEHPA:00000001 Development Mode Swapping to Development environment will display more detailed information about the error that occurred. Development environment should not be enabled in deployed applications, as it can result in sensitive information from exceptions being displayed to end users. For local debugging, development environment can be enabled by setting the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable to Development, and restarting the application.


It won't work in Chrome for me. I'm getting the same message as Daryl.

Christopher Lee

I'm getting the same after logging in.. i can only see the account info page, when i try to go to the main page it gives this error. using Chrome on mobile (Android).


Looking into the crashing issues on the main page now - sorry everyone!


Yes, it crashes with me too, but i managed to download the basilisk ^^

Raymond Nichols

I highly recommend getting rid of the Patreon plugin as soon as you can. Having used it on my wife’s site I found it was buggy, the Patreon API was often down thus subscribers couldn’t access things, and the plugin’s developer is an arrogant rude jerk. I cannot prove it but we found while using it users of her shop could sometimes be logged in under someone else’s account including administrators. Also we found that officially Patreon users who are paying anyone $1 are considered to be paying you $1 in terms of access.

Raymond Nichols

That said I am looking forward to your site and hope it really takes off.


The site is WAY easier to use and to see if I was missing any mini's. Great job, thanks.


I love the site already. Seeing all the minis at once it really helpful. My only suggestion is to put in the ability to browse by tier maybe? I use the cut files mainly and would love to be able to sort it to just show the releases with that tier.


Overall though, the site worked well for me and I was able to download a few items to test it. Really awesome upgrade from trying to find everything through the tags! Thank you!


This site is 100% the right idea ! Would love to see you move more stuff from your old google drive here too


This is awesome! It solves that one problem I have with DnD figures: I need to search for them on your patreon and others and it takes too much time. This simple website is very helpful, thank you!


This is so goooooood. Thank you for taking the time to put this together. You have made it so much easier to find all of your amazing work!


Awesome, that's great to hear! Still a work in progress - many of the minis still need their files updated, but really hoping this can become an easy to use resource for everyone.


Yeah! I'm really excited for this to help streamline the process of finding a mini and getting it on the tabletop.


This is exactly what we needed. Thanks so much!

David Ross

Looks great so far! I like that it filters the list of what minis you can download based on your Tier and the fact that you can see samples of them before you download The one thing I noticed is that when I go to a mini's detail page and then back to the list, it always returns to page 1 of the minis. Would be much more user-friendly if it could remember where I was.


I'm now getting a new error that just says VALID STATE after logging in via Patreon.


Now it's working 😶 ignore me!


I'm really excited by the initiative. Tags would be a nice update I think.


love this! the search feature is incredibly helpful! one thing I would say is when you click on a miniature set, being able to see what is in the set prior to download. maybe a simple image scroller to see thumbnails?

David Bloom

YES YES YES. This is exactly what we need. I love it.


The site now remembers the page you were on for 5 minutes

Ryan Nichilo

innovative! I didn't even know Patreon had an API or whatever, very cool!


Yeah! We're planning to get some preview images for what's included in the set and what color variations are available.

Jeffrey George

This is an excellent way to present your catalog--I see now that I missed several minis along the way, and will be printing them out soon! Beautiful work!

Paul Ferris

The new site is awesome - excellent work. My only suggestion would be maybe have a preview of the skins when you click through to the download page. Saves having to download it first before you can see what is in the file

David Brideau

Oh my gosh. This is perfect.


That’s great!


I was checking out the site and in overal its really really great. I only have a tier2 subscription (poor sorry) but I can download the Half-Elf_Cleric_02_PNGs_Tier3.zip. Maybe something to fix.


That. Is. Awesome! Soem of the thumbnails just have the floor tile image with no picture of the mini (spell templates is an example)

Tiago Frossard

I can bugtest it if you need. Just send me a channel where to send the bugs to


Feedback: It's a good idea to put a word/hint like 'Search' in the search bar at the top to make its functionality a little more obvious to the end-user.


Additional Feedback: Overall the site is great! You've made finding and downloading your content a breeze and I really appreciate that. :)


Really good way to show off the collection!! Had no idea some of these were available. On a serious note this makes those who support far more likely to continue supporting! Good work!

Torben Bundgaard-Knudsen

it looks great mate but some of the pictures show as blank. and dragons don't have any options to download them. but 2 thinks i hope we soon se lizards folk. boss. riders. and it could be so great to see players characters also in all classes and race female and male.

Torben Bundgaard-Knudsen

i get this almost every time i try log in on you homepage Invalid state


This is an amazing idea! Keep up the great work!


Continuing the common theme amoung other patrons, this is absolutely fantastic! What an extraordinary way to display your incredible work while serving incredible functionality. Thank you!


To add into the "if you can" suggestion pile, I would really like a method to change how they are sorted. To clarify, not necessarily by creature type (that would be neat but difficult I imagine), but instead by either release date or alphabetical order. I am an admitted completionist and would love to be able to compare my list to the list available. Thanks regardless for the spectacular site!


I like the look of it, this kind of site has been my bread and butter over the years. I ran it through builtwith.com and it looks like it is not built on a platform or framework. For this kind of thing you might well find that using something like WordPress with Easy Digital Downloads plugin would get all the functionality you want. This would give you all the searching/sortability you want. Can help out of you want.


I really like this! The only thing I think would be even handier would be previews of all the variants we have access to once you click an entry. I can understand that might be too much work though especially for the old packs that are only PDFs.

Peter Wiezorek

The site looks really great but I just browsed around for a bit and I really would like to see a few more Heroes Party Sets in the future. Especially a few more female heroes with different body shapes (halflings!) would be awesome, because I play with a bunch of awesome women who would love to see them (:


Looks awesome!!! A lot easier to go through than Patreon! Cant wait!


Not sure how feasible it is, but it'd be cool if you could select the minis you want (maybe and it creates a pdf containing the selected minis. This would probably help save some paper if there's multiple minis I wanna print out, but they span over different sets.

Clayton Thomson

Great start. I like that the pawns are visualized.

Natalie Baker

I love the look of the website, particularly the previews and search functionality are great. One thing that'd be nice is either the ability select multiple minis and have them zipped up for batch transfer, or alternatively a per-tier archive.


Hi ! Congratulations for your amazing work. I was just wondering if the size of the base is adjust to the size of the beast and if we need to zoom or something before printing to have the right size ? For example a small beast vs a medium or a large or a human... Thanks a lot again ! Sorry for any English mistakes, English is a second language ! ;)


I love the new site, makes it so easy to find the mini you need!!!


I'm unable to access anything above T1. Using chrome. :x


Hey Surveillance! Have you tried going to My Account at the top and Logging on with Patreon? <a href="https://www.printableheroes.com/User" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.printableheroes.com/User</a>


Hello! Thankyou for the reply. I have done that yes, says I only have access to the free tier. I click "Log in" and then "allow' and it redirects me here: <a href="https://imgur.com/rLzLXLE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/rLzLXLE</a>


Hrm, yeah, when I check your user it shows your current pledge at $28, but shows "No reward" under Reward. I believe when you first enter your pledge you can pick a tier and there is a 'no reward' option. Perhaps that is what happened? Maybe try checking out your membership options and see if there is a way to re-select the tier rewards, <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000126286-How-do-I-edit-my-membership-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000126286-How-do-I-edit-my-membership-</a>


Yep, that's what did it. This is my first patreon so I misunderstood the selections. Thankyou for your quick response and I wish you the best on your work!

Daniel A Davis

I think you should include what are called "facets", so that people can quickly select "Elf" from the Race facet, "Male" from the gender facet, and "Druid" from the class facet.