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Hey Everyone! We are getting dangerously close to hitting another Goal Reward and I'm still working on getting caught up on some previous ones (the free DMsGuild exclusive Mindflayer is almost ready!). 

So I thought we'd try something different (and hopefully fun) for this next one: 

Lets come up with some ENTIRELY NEW monster ideas! Something that has not been seen before. 

How I imagine this going:

  • Add your ideas to the comments of this post
  • Reply to/like ideas you want to support
  • Over the next several weeks I'll get some designs created based of the ideas that people are diggin'/inspire me. 
  • We'll do a big vote and the design that wins gets made into a paper miniature that will be free for everyone (with credits to whoever came up with it)
  • Anyone who wants to can submit stat blocks/abilities (I'm a D&D 5e fan myself, but if people want to stat out stuff for Pathfinder or other game systems that's cool too)
  • I'll include the stat block info people are diggin' with the miniature release (along with credits).

Seems like it could be fun right? 


Dennis Rosenshein

Do you still have that catalog that says the kinis that have already been done? I have a few i'd recommend but its been a while since I looked throughout.


I'd really like t


Well, I'm a huge fan of Tome of Beasts, and I really like to work with ghouls so here is mine: <a href="https://hu.pinterest.com/pin/536491374343463952/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://hu.pinterest.com/pin/536491374343463952/</a>

Donald Kelly

A multi-component Kraken (or other sea serpent equivalent) could be neat. Perhaps a main body with individual tentacles or bodily coils that seemingly emerge from the water?


I'd really like some ratfolk or a Cockatrice.

Dennis Rosenshein

Jabberwocky, Bandersnatch come to mind for fantasy ones. For one that came up in a one-shot im making a Dessert Dragon (ice cream cone fangs,sundae head, candy scales, cookie claws, cakelegs and a pie/tart body were what i initially built) But I imagine dragibs have been done like crazy since I last checked. A Snail, Crab, or turtle/tortoise, something the adventurers may underestimate would be interesting too.

Rob G. Arlic

The trolls in 5e (and maybe pathfinder) have this regenerative property that allows them to mutate in these crazy ways, based on what they eat. Why not a troll and few cool mutations for it. The mutations could allow really creative and original designs, while still being familiar to 5e players. I know they're not technically a new monster, but the mutations could give it that feel, like a underdark troll with troglodyte and duergar like mutations, or a forest/fey troll with fairy stuff and mushrooms growing on it.

Andrew Cartwright

I’d like to see a Metallic Dragon. Silver in particular, maybe it’s be able to have Copper, Gold or Bronze as the alternate colors. Or maybe that dessert dragon Dennis mentioned as an alternate coloring.


Demons and Devils

James Clark

I've always liked the concept that is the opposite of a "fallen angel". Something like a "Risen Demon" or "Risen Devil", an evil creature that has overcome its innate alignment and joined the hosts of heaven and defends it most fiercely. Something like a fierce and super buff blue skinned Horned Devil, but with a welcoming smile and wearing some angelic robes or a Greek style toga of white and gold, and a big angelic style mace.




I would like to see more people. Like town people.

Josh malone

Gotta be the warforged people!!! 5e hasn't had them yet but man oh man do I love a good warforged warrior or even a theft, makes me kind think of the warforged people from the destiny video game universe

Geoffrey Davis

For something a little out of the ordinary, Thri-kreen would awesome!


To fill out the basics, I think some mundane creatures would be really useful. Like.. Wolves/wargs


I always like the Eerdin character from the Witcher 3. Its a big bad evil guy with his own entourage. The only problem for this kind of this would be that he'd need some of his minions to truly play the part.


some flying monsters would be awesome the warforgd is a good idea too, maybe a flying warforged.

Michael Feeney

Personally I’ve always been a fan of Diffrent races for player characters, I think it makes for an intresting table. So maybe something like a goblin Rogue or Ranger with a wolf mount or lizard foke. Also more tiefling classes would be amazing as-well.


I would love to see the Dvati get a miniature for all of the base classes. They are a OGL race where you get two characters that your hitpoints are split between. It's a real blast to play!


I needs me some Otyugh plz.


Wendigo's. I'd love to see them as my campaign is currently in the far north where my players have been trying to figure out how to best the creatures, birthed from desperation and cannibalism.


Animals: wolves, bears, panthers, giant/large rats. Swarms: rata, insects, bats, etc...


Displacer Beast!




Work in progress: <a href="https://trello.com/b/g7FOTeWO/printableheroes-2018" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/b/g7FOTeWO/printableheroes-2018</a>


What about stirges?


Headless mule. A brazilian folklore monster xD

Paul Ferris

Rust monster... the bane of armour wearing players everywhere!!!!!


Storm Giant - so we have access to the complete set from the Monster Manual




Slightly more seriously, something similar to but legally distinct from a Githyanki. (Or actual Githyanki, but inventing creatures that occupy the same niche could be fun.)


If we're taking New (haven't read everything so may not be) how about Small Skeleton Dragons? Like ogre-ish sized, I'll look into stats more...


Ancient volcanic dragon?

Dee Kay

An ooze-like beast composed of primordial dark-matter. This beast can take on any non-supernatural animal form. The Absorb Elements spell (5e) is an innate ability, which allows it to empower its attacks as per the spell. However, the elemental form that is expressed is vulnerable to its opposite element. In fact this could be more of a template that's applied to any creature.


How about venger from the D&amp;D TV show. That's something that hasn't been done in a long time. <a href="https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11120/111207085/4476828-7205022415-DD-DM.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11120/111207085/4476828-7205022415-DD-DM.jpg</a>


I would like to see a decked out Lich guy and girl and it would be cool to see some Dragon riders and Big Bugs.. You cant go wrong with big nasty bugs


Formian Hive, workers, soldiers, queens


Everytime I try to make something new its already a thing. Best I can think of is maybe something in the vain of a Leshen or Higher Vampire from Witcher 3.

Craig Whiting

One idea is for a monster called a Grumbler. This monster takes the form of an old male or female human dressed in peasant clothing. In reality it is a minor demon. The Grumbler frequents taverns, inns and such. It tries to ingratiate itself with unsuspecting tavern patrons by complaining about anything that it hears tavern patrons complaining about. The Grumble weaves a hypnotic spell control over its potential victims by at first agreeing with the tavern patron then gradually steering the conversation to how terrible everything is. The more the tavern patron agrees the more they become depressed and the more control the Grumbler has. Eventually when the Grumbler thinks it has enough control on its potential victim it suggests that they go back to its home. Once the victim is comfortably ensconced in the Grumblers abode it will strike attempting to rend the victim with its claws and teeth, When the victim is dead it will feed on the body parts until all the flesh id consumed. The Grumbler only needs to feed once every month. The Grumbler will onl target tavern patrons who are not locals so as to not arouse suspision. The Grumble will grind the victims bones into dust and sell it as fertiliser.

Craig Whiting

Obviously with the Grumbler you will need an old male and female peasant figure as well as a minor demon male and female figure, The demon could be represented by the old human peasants having long clawed hands and fangs and glowing red eyes. Would make it easier to create all four figures. That's it. I will provide stats for the Grumbler and more information about how it can be defeated if it is selected. I have no idea if this monster is just a variant of some other monster but I like the idea of catching unsuspecting adventurers in a place where they may let there guard down and get caught in a very subtle trap. Would make for great conversation between DM and potential victim.

Chris Skuller

I would like to see more giant sized monsters. Like how big Orcus is. How about, in honor of the new Mordenkainen book coming out, you do an Astral Dreadnaught?


The Abyssal Scion is a nightmarish aberration covered in eyes on all sides, with six tentacles projecting from its body. Three of the tentacles end in sharp-toothed mouths, and the other three are dextrous appendages that the Scion can use to manipulate its environment. A scion can spawn replicas of creatures that it has killed. There is an old story from a small town, of a woman named Aelyn who was thrown into a well by a group of drunken men. A few days later, an army of a hundred Aelyns emerged from the well and killed everyone in the town. Abyssal Scion Huge aberration, chaotic evil Armor Class 17 Natural Armor Hit Points 243 (18d12 + 126) Speed 40 ft., swim 60 ft., burrow 20 ft. STR 17 (+3) DEX 13 (+1) CON 24 (+7) INT 17 (+3) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 10 (+0) Saving Throws DEX +7, CON +13, WIS +9 Skills: Insight +7, Perception +7, Persuasion +4, Stealth +5, Survival +7 Condition Immunities: Prone Senses: Tremorsense 60 ft, Passive Perception 17 Languages: Aquan, Common, Deep Speech, Draconic, Giant, Undercommon Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) Features: Tentacled Monster. The Scion has six limbs: three tentacles and three mouths. If the Scion takes 30 hit points of slashing damage or more in a single hit, one of its limbs is severed, and the Scion loses use of that limb. It also releases any creature it was Grappling with that limb. If the Scion is healed, it can regrow one limb for every 30 hit points healed at once. Magic Resistance. The Scion has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Innate Spellcasting. 3/day each: Hold Monster, Detect Magic 1/day: Heal Keen Sight. The Scion has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Actions: Multiattack. The Scion makes six attacks: three with its tentacles (slap or constrict) and three with its mouths (Bite or Swallow). Slap. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained (escape DC 17). Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (5d6 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained (escape DC 17). Constrict. The Scion deals 13 (1d4+11) bludgeoning damage to a Large or smaller creature it is Grappling with a tentacle. Swallow. The Scion makes one bite Attack against a Large or smaller creature it is Grappling with a mouth. If the Attack hits, that creature takes the bite's damage and is swallowed, and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is Blinded and Restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the Scion, and it takes 21 (6d6) acid damage at the start of each of the Scion's turns. If the Scion takes at least 30 points of damage from a creature inside it, the Scion must succeed on a Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 20 feet of the Scion. The DC is equal to half the damage taken. If the Scion dies, a swallowed creature is no longer Restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 15 feet of Movement, exiting prone. Spawn (recharge 6). The Scion gives birth to an exact replica of a creature it has Swallowed and killed at some time in the past, as long as that creature is not a celestial, construct, deathless, elemental, fey, fiend, outsider, or undead. The replica possesses all statistics and features of the original but retains only dim memories of its former life. The replica is loyal to the Scion and defends it with its life.


I'd like to see some undead Yuan-Ti.


Displacer panther would be awesome! :D




I'm always a fan of centauric lizardfolk: like a basilisk lowersection and lizardman upperpart (or similar). Or really any "centauric" type creatures.


Maybe some gods of the dnd universe? People sometimes encounter gods in dnd games (critical role for example) but there aren't minis of them. You can go totally wild with the designs. How should a God of life/death/elements/good/evil look like?

Peter Wiezorek

The big threat in one of my 5e campaigns right now is a Part-Machine-Part-Demon-Monster: Some Goblins and Gnomes were isolated underground and formed a society based on invention and experimentation. It kinda got out of hand and they started to attach machine parts to living things. Of course someone had to overdo it even more and tried to ressurect a long dead Demon Corpse with mechanical parts. To fuel the intact parts of the body the whole thing is crisscrossed with pipes connecting to a central oven where the now "living" Demon throws in everything flammable (preferably "organic" matter) to grow and keep on going. I haven't come up with a look so you would have free reign designing how this monstrosity would look like. For my campaign I wanted the group to encounter it multiple times, every time getting bigger and having new parts, build or grown (at some point the Demon is able to manipulate and update the machinery it's merged with). 5e stats are ready and can be submitted.


I'd wait a bit for Mordenkainen's to come out and see what cool stuff is in there. There's bound to be a lot of demand for monsters appearing in there right after it comes out! That would also give you some time to finish Tiamat ;)

David Brideau

I'm currently playing Tomb of Annihilation, so zombie dinosaurs.


I've already thrown my lot in with the dreadnaught so seconded !

Scott R. Pyle

Monstrous Monks of various races--Umber Hulk, Troll, Lizardman, Bullywug, Goblin, Kobold, Ogre, etc,


She's already on the list! If he adds cut files for the ancient red dragon, though, we could have one of her consorts. EDIT: I see that JP's Creations already has a laser-cut mini for the red dragon, so never mind! Tiamat already has one of her consorts.


The lords of elemental evil? (Excluding Cryonax.) Or I guess we could just print out normal elementals at larger sizes... You could do something on the level of the ogre reward, like a hill giant dire wereboar, or you could do a dragon variant, like a brainstealer wyrm or dracolich. We don't have a lot of plant creatures, so it might be interesting to have a Huge treant and/or blackroot treant.


Also, you could do a flesh colossus and release it with the flesh golem. (Maybe with a stitch-free version?) Or you could always try the tarrasque, or a worm that walks.

Juan Lofiego

A Female and Male version for each class and race XD


Actually, I'd like to see a female fire giant, a male frost giant, and a female hill giant, so... And it would be nice to have a proper (buff) female goliath! The reskinned stone giant is just too twiggy compared to the male.

Andy Green

I say you go for a primordial doesn t matter which one or how you do it. Maybe all primordial have every element in them


Lizardfolk, definitely lizardfolk. By the hand of Diives it's gonna be fascinating.


A package of 5 paysant , one whit scythe , lumber axe, wood in hand , shovel and pike , we need generic caracter for city , like kid and baby for quest ,


1) Stirges. muahaha 2) Pre-bblack powder pirates! 3) Primitive tribesmen


A huge "modular" spirit. 2 eyes 2 hands (claws, weapons, hands, what-have you) Some "body" entities such as crystals, pillars, or summoning circles.

Ittalo Ornilo

Demogorgon and Demodogs based on the Stranger Things versions PRETTY SIIICK!

FGA (Fantasy Grounds Academy)

I would love to see the four pillars of the Elementals along with the in between lesser quasi ones, i.e, Lava, Steam, etc.

Julien Therrien

New and never before seen!? Awesome. Well then, I’ll throw in a few suggestions. 1. A shadow lycan. Not too original, basically an ethereal were-creature (usually wolf) wreathed in shadows. Pairs well with the whole “glowing red eyes” trope. Can also be reskinned for a flaming lycan, because why not. 2. The Hoard Golem from the Tome of Beasts. A living treasure hoard is always a fun thing to throw at players. 3. One of the big baddies of my campaign is a 2-headed ancient red shadow dragon. One head breaths fire, the other shoots a Godzilla-esque necrotic beam. Fun for the whole family. 4. I’ve dabbled with the concept of a creature that can produce ooze from it’s salivary glands. Basically a bullette-like quadrupedal creature that can spit out small oozes to assist it in breaking down and consuming food, as well as creating underground tunnels.


What about... Tiamat? :-P


Thri Kreen!!!!!! Githzerai, Githyanki, Pseudo-dragon/Faerie-dragon, Marilith, Aarakorca, Neogi, Giant Strider w/firenewt, Salamander

Willow H. Wood

Maybe creatures that are closer to being found in the real world, but they're the kind you'd find in a terrible, haunted wood. Like a giant wolf with dark blue fur and burning white eyes, a fierce intelligence about it as it slowly prowls the woods. Or a stag with sharp, twisted antlers, claws instead of hooves and staring at you with a horrible, toothy grin. Or a cat that climbs trees with human hands...

Nicholas Harringtos

Some high level demons like a Balor or Pit Fiend


Some lycanthropes with the other forms , which the rats collect could have a re-realese with wererats included. Also with having the rakshasa as a solid base for weretigers. Would only need need the werebear with maybe a brown bear, a wereboar, and finally the werewolf with a pack of wolves


- Nilbog - Goblin bard - Goblin sorcerer - Goblin warlock - Familiars, lot of them


For practicality, a night hag, mind flayers or a new set of kobolds would be awesome. I would also love to see a Remorhaz considering there isn't that much in the way of minis for them.

Tiago Frossard

I'd like to see more player character variants. For example: I want a Human / Half-Elf Bard for my team, but the hero options here won't allow me to (the old version wasn't updated yet). I think that adding standard hero-options would make PrintableHeroes more interesting for everyone. We have the Kenku but we don't have Lizardfolk yet!

Tiago Frossard

Animals would be nice too, so we could use them as pets for rangers, druid forms and low level encounters.

Tiago Frossard

Vegepygmy or Myconids would be fun in your art too, I bet.

Ariel Sosa Visconti

OWLBEAR!! I know it's not what you are asking for, but considering that the owlbear would inevitably have to go to DM Guild, I think it would be a good opportunity to make it a Goal Reward. I will think about something unique, either way, but an owlbear would be nice.

Dotan Shaniv

One of the most iconic fantasy creature (a classic, no doubt) is the TROLL! Combined with the fact that I was unable to find a good enough paper miniature of a troll, and the fact that I really like your style, I believe you could do some justice with the Troll population and provide us with a much needed monster that can fit in any setting. Thanks, and keep up the good work!


Annis Hag or shadow dragon would be a cool piece of art.

Tiago Frossard

- A plant or fungus dragon

Tiago Frossard

Hydras with different snake heads

Tiago Frossard

A giant snake that swims through the desert sands


The princes of Elemental Evil! You've already done the final bosses of the other 5e published adventures (except Tiamat) so I think this would be an awesome addition.

Justin Flowers

I'd love to see some of the old character options updated to the new format. Need more small race character options, as well as more female PC options would be super nice.


Mindflayer also just standard dwarves ?


Reading through most of the comments, seems like people kinda lost what he's requesting. It's an "ENTIRELY NEW" monster... not a monster that already exist in the Monster Manual (or previous Monster Manuals). He's looking for a unique new monster that isn't really available already

Paul Beebe

Mudkin: depending on the size of the colony can range from small to large. Individually, they are small, but as they meld together they grow larger. Neutral, they feed by engulfing anything organic (or formerly organic). Their natural resistance to physical damage can be countered with enough fire damage (hardening the mudkin) or spell damage that hardens them (such as freezing damage, etc). In either case the mudkin are slowed. Enough physical damage only separates the mudkin, til they are at the smallest size, then they are destroyed. If a large mudkin is frozen, 3/4 of the mudkins survive. Mudkins try to merge if possible, taking 1 turn to grow into the next size. If there are less than 4, they stay separate 1 mudkin = small 4 mudkin = medium 16 mudkin = large

Rob G. Arlic

Fidget Spinner Elemental


which tier have back and front views


Just the free minis don't have back views, every other tier has unique fronts and backs. Only exception to this is the minis i created prior to 2016, before i started doing unique backs.


ok then ive already a Patreon but where can I found that back and front minis :))


If you go to the Post section, on the left hand side there's book marked filter for "Releases" which will pull up all of the releases posts with links to download files or you can click the book mark for the "Archives" where you can just download all of the files for a specific tier.

Shaun Stoddard

Werecreatures! Include the normal werecreature types (Wolf, Tiger, Bear) but then go nuts (Seal, Shark, Hippo, Vulture)


Next generation of "Heroes Party" !!!


Mindflayer is already in the works: <a href="https://trello.com/c/pZyScLQ0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/pZyScLQ0</a> Also if you're Tier 3 the Duergar have extra color options that are great for normal dwarves: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/PrintableHeroes/posts?tag=Duergar">https://www.patreon.com/PrintableHeroes/posts?tag=Duergar</a>


WurmCoil Engine &amp; Engine Spawn. Think Purple Worm that is Mixed with a "Dune" style sandworm mixed with a Mechanical Construct. Twice the Size on a Purple Worm and when killed it spawns 5 Engine Spawns.


what about some Gladiators and beasts. Tigers , Lions, Dier beasts

Ariel Sosa Visconti

MAGE DRAGON (dark purple dragon): This would be a wingless dragon living in the Underdark, obsessed with magic knowledge. In addition to gold and gemstones, this dragon would hunt parties for spellbooks, scrolls and magic items, so it can absorb/learn more spells. As part of his magic obsession, it would have the innate ability to cast “fly” at will, so his wings have evolved to something more useful, like appendages with small claws that allow it to provide the somatic component of the spells it can cast. Of course, it can learn spells like a wizard can, so it would be an easy creature to customize, depending on the list of spells chosen for it. Also, because of living in the Underdark, it could have luminescent scales scattered over his body (it would give it a cooler look as a miniature). Its breath weapon would be a force beam. I imagine it as a version of Toothless (the dragon from “How to train your dragon”) attacking in the night to unaware parties camping under the stars, time when the dragon goes out to hunt for wizards’ spellbooks. I must say I'm basing my idea on the Gemstones Dragons that Matt Colville created for his Strongholds &amp; Followers kickstarter. But I liked his creation so much that I wanted to make my own version.


Demon Lord: Zuggtmoy, Juiblex, Baphomet, Yeenoghu


SO like the Gemstone Dragons form Matt Colville Kickstarter?

Roguish Wizard

some Myconids would be nice


I think a Treasure Golem would be neat. A pile of sentient treasure that is enchanted to protect it's self.


Xvarts! We need xvarts!!


Imagine if you were a DnD campaign character and draw the character based on yourself(For example: if u like to play a shady rogue guy then draw a shady rogue guy based on yourself)


A cross between a Black Widow spider and a deer, called a Black Widoe. Size: Large. It crouches low in bushes to lore in hunters with the deer half of it and then catches them off-guard


Black Widoe Large monstrosity, unaligned Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 64 (8d10 + 20) Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. STR 14 (+2) DEX 16 (+3) CON 12 (+1) INT 3 (-4) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 4 (-3) Skills Stealth +5 Damage Resistances Poison Condition Immunities Poisoned Senses Blindsight 10 ft., Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 14 Languages -- Challenge 3 (700 XP) Spider Climb. The Black Widoe can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the Black Widoe knows the exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web. Web Walker. The Black Widoe ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing. Charge. If the Black Widoe moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Actions Multiattack. The Black Widoe makes two attacks, only one of which can be a bite attack. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 12 (2d8+3) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way. Web (Recharge 5–6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is restrained by webbing. As an action, the restrained target can make a DC 14 Strength check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage). Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage.


Death Knight would be awesome

Tiago Frossard

Thinking of Carrion Worms as just larvae, what about if they evolved to Carrion Butterflies, Carrion Wasps, Carrion Beetles, Carrion Dragonflies or other insects?


Giant Bats? Have you done them already? I only discovered you the other day and already you've sorted me out for a number of monsters in my D&amp;D Basic module :P


Not monsters, but icons of the Forgotten Realms? Drizzt, Elminster, Vecna, Wulfgar, etc... Hell, do a Kratos mini.


How about horses, riding and war variants? They aren't necessarily the most unique or glamorous but will crop up in a d&amp;d or other fantasy setting a LOT.


can't do most of those without WoTC's permisison if I"m not mistaken, they are not in the SRD and therefore it'd be an IP violation.


tabaxi ? :)

Dedalus Root

Just because I was just looking for some: Myconids. I'd love to see what you would do creatively with that... this could even extend to dungeon props, etc.

Mats Bremer

Mephits, Nothic, Golems of all kinds


The Great Gas Monster The monster is a cloud of reasonable gas. He can change his form, as well as the chemical composition of his "tentacles". Thus, the Gas Monster can take an awesome look and scare the victim. The monster can penetrate its "tentacle" into the victim's breathing path, turn the "tentacle" into poison and kill the victim quickly and imperceptibly. The Great Gas Monster can multiply once every 50 years, for example. The monster generates itself like this: - finds an elf, dwarf, human or other humanoid creature; - breathes a special gas composition into the respiratory system of the victim; - the victim falls into a coma; - after a short time, the victim remains a thin shell, filled with gas; - the shell bursts, from it appears the young and joyful Gas Monster. A special gas prepared by a magician or alchemist can kill the Great Gas Monster. The gas that kills the Monster comes into a chemical reaction with the Monster components and destroys the complex Monster control molecules. As a result, the Great Gas Monster breaks down into harmless substances. Every wanderer who gathered in the Dungeons simply has to carry one or two flasks with gas lethal to the Great Gas Monster. I apologize for my imperfect English.


Customizable player characters would be really cool. Saw some of the potential with the orc minis and it was really awesome. Thank you for everything you create :)


Lightning Wolf


One of my favourite creatures that's never had the chance to see my table is a Tuskaloth. A magically mutated and enormous mammoth like monster. <a href="https://imgur.com/E4bHIhF" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/E4bHIhF</a>


How about a half-barlgura fire giant and his fire giant warlock mother? (That might seem oddly specific, which would be a fair charge. I was inspired by the fire giant from the Blood Rage boardgame, if you're curious.)




Imagine Stumbling upon a hidden cave system that opens up to a large cave behind a waterfall, all around on the docks and on the cave rocks are barrels and crates and the occasional small chest, but in the water there is a large ship almost ghostly and hauntingly scary. as you approach you hear scuffling behind you, you turn to see nothing more then some barrels. You get closer to the ship and see it has seen some battle damage. you hear it again scuffling and noises from behind. You turn and notice that there are considerably more barrels and now some crate that weren't there before. Then you hear a loud creaking, you turn your gaze quickly back to the ship to see it contorting and almost opening to reveal.... a ship size mother ship Mimic. i imagine it the size of your standard green dragon and with both the normal ship and the mimic ship, for ultimate surprise.


I Would go for something from slavonic folklor, for example nightmare, kelpie or leshy


I would love to to see a Froghemoth, them guys are really interesting and since they are frog based swamp monsters you have a lot of room to mess iwth it. Besides having a huge mouth and tentacles it seems to be very modular


Goliath (other than Barbarians) Valkyrie Amazons Lich (including non-human variants) Mummy (including non-human variants) Vikings Hoplites Non-human Skeletons Golems &amp; Clockworks


A couple of suggestions from me, i didnt see them in the comments. (a) Drow. a good selections of the different ranks/castes - Noble Fighters, Cleric of lloth, Sorcerers, Matriachs, Dryders etc even Drow adventurers. Serious need for the Underdark :). (b) As i am big Warhammer fan there are very few Beastmen that fit the bill. Proper goatman mutations. (c) again from the Warhammer world, Skaven the most common vermin to stalk the tunnels and sewer beneath the cities. a common foe that every Sewer Jack fights at least once (or dies). These have a varied clan system for different models.


How about an Owlbear or Displacer Beast


Ive probs missed the deadline but release a Kraken


Female dragonborns!


Shambling mound cause it's hard to acquire the minis.

Ben Arnold

Seeing as we're making an entirely NEW monster I've had a couple ideas but I've thought about are little like void creatures and their brewed mother. In my campaign I have this demiplane thats leaked onto the material plane, its made a whole island corrupted and I have these sort of space like creatures. I have one which i describe looking like the "Wraith" from evolve, it has sycthe like arms, the blades being at their elbows. Large purple crystals protruding from its head and back. It doesn't have legs, it floats slightly off the ground and its mouth opens up vertically and horizontally. They're agile and thin. I've probably missed the deadline but I felt like sharing in case people liked the idea. I have a few more of these void creatures but I like this one the most. I don't really have a name for it but I'd probably call it a Shrike. They're huge creatures and are probably on par with a fire giant in terms of strength. I haven't made the stat block yet because my players haven't gotten near where they are yet but if you are interested i can make one.


Kobolds, Warforgers as PC

Arthur L

A humanoid with an elephant head, in a homage to Robert E. Howard's classic story "The Tower of the Elephant".

Pietro Rende

Manticore that would be very helpful for me