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Test prints for the Dragonborn bard, cleric, and barbarian (front row) and their art variants (back row). The variants will be available for Tier 2+ patrons.

Hit a few snags, but should have these 6 out this evening. Decided to just release as I go and not wait till they're all done just so I can start getting them into your hands sooner rather then later.



Wayne Humfleet

Nice, would love to see each race get this kind of love. :)

Frank L Turfler

Nice work. I'm still loving your presentation. (I really need to get a cutting machine. I've never looked, are the cut files included with the minis files?


Yeah. That's the one big silver lining on all of the issues I've been running into: lots of things I can improve upon on the next set.


Thanks! Yeah, like everything it's a learning process and I'll continue to experiment and try to improve on it. I just recently started supporting cut files for new releases as a Tier 4+ Patron reward, so when these get released they will have cut files available. It took me a a few runs to get comfortable with the Silhouette Cameo, but now I can't imagine doing this without it.

Frank L Turfler

Is there a preference to the silhouette?


I haven't tried any other cutting machines so hard for me to compare to anything else, however I can say that there's a pretty well established craft community around the Silhouette so it's been pretty easy to find tutorials and answer any questions I've stumbled into while learning how to use it. That and so far (knock on wood) I haven't had any issues with it.

Andrew Cartwright

So did it wind up being 1 pose and two colors per class? And are they going to be separate PDFs by class?

Murder Hobo Show

Question.... When you print them... How many mm tall are they from foot to head? 28mm scale it 32 or bigger? I usually do 1 foot tall is 6mm so a 6 foot tall person is 36mm


Right now it's looking like: 1 base pose per class with Tier 2+ getting an additional pose per class. Tier 3+ will get 2 additional color options per pose (+2 for base pose, and another +2 for the Tier 2+ reward pose). My current plan for PDFs is to release 3 classes per PDF and then once they're all done I'll make one PDF with all of the classes. Tier 2+ will get the same treatment just with the new poses. I'll have PSDs for Tier 10+ for each of the released minis like normal, and then once I've finished all of the classes/poses/reskins I'll be releasing the "master" PSD with all of the individual pieces across all classes that can be toggled on/off for Tier 10+.


Let me amend that "master" PSD comment to add that the "master" PSD will likely just have the base color for each class/art element and will not include all of the alternate colored versions (as those will be included in the previously released PSD for each class and would make the file far to unwieldy if they were call included).


Yup, they're sitting at roughly 36mm at the brow, so 37-38mm to top of the head at the moment.

Drew Salisbury

I'm so excited I can not wait to print these out myself