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Hey guys <3

I have a special announcement to make before we go into 2018- sorry in advance for the long post haha

In July of 2016 I launched the Opus collection, an ambitious 100 track project that I released in small chapters. I started the project because I wanted to write stories with my music; I wanted to create a world of my own. Fast forward to today, I'm 15 tracks in and I've accumulated just under 150k plays all together. A few years ago if you told me I would have achieved this kind of thing I never would have believed you.

So what's the announcement? Well, starting in 2018 I'm going to be putting that project on hold so I can focus more of my time and resources managing my other project, six impala. 

I understand this might be a dissapointment to most, so let me explain my reasoning for the sudden change. The past few months six has grown way faster than I anticipated, and I haven't even been putting time into growing it- I have the opportunity to build this new world alongside some of my best friends and inspirations, and I feel like if I don't make the switch, I'll regret it in the future. 

So what does this mean for you, the listener? Well in all honesty this change means I'll be more active with posting content, since I won't be stuck in the Opus chapter format. Additionally, this means that my Patreon is being switched from the Opus project to six impala (as you can already tell- all the details are in the Patreon page description).

And what about the Opus project? Well I'm not ending it outright, I do plan on returning to it in the future- but I can't really say how it will return and in what format, it's not even on my mind right now.

Thank you so much if you read the whole thing! I'd love to hear what you have to say about this change, so feel free to comment or message me privately <3

- Dan/KaTT


Eduardo Ceto

Why did you create this monster, now is fucking out of control