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Thanks everyone for participating in the poll I posted recently about the kind of content you want to see more of.

When I see the results, I want to ensure I am focusing on the basics of what this Patreon provides, while innovating here and there as extra content.

For the rest of 2023, and really beyond, I am aiming to bring you roughly 20 minutes of exclusive footage to be permanently added to our Patreon video library.  I'm working with several models to help make this a reality.

I am working on a "every two month" cadence for tickling comic book releases.  We have several in the pipeline, and I can't wait to share them all with you!  Expect the next release in August with The Cyriaan Chronicles #11 on August 11st (although you will gain early access to the issue here on this Patreon two days early).  Then I'm hoping to release the next comic mid October, then mid December.

The above are the basics, and I'm going to keep working hard to make sure the basics are covered for you all.

In addition, there's several bonus features beyond the basics I will keep investing in.

A few of you wanted to see more of the animated tickling comic book.  I may aim to release 1-2 of these per year.  They are costly and time consuming, but if they're crowd pleasers, definitely a reason to keep doing some of them.  For now, I may aim to animate The Agencies and The Ruthless, two of our more popular series.

A few of you also voted for more information on our Tickle Magnet #11 game in production.  Duly noted, and I will pump out some more videos, now that the game will move into pre-alpha state in August.

Thank you again for your tremendous support over the years, and I want to keep the communication flowing on what you all want to see to make sure I'm meeting your expectations.

Here's to years of laughter ahead of us!


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