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Hello Dark Ones! 

It's been a long while hasn't it? 

Some of you may or may not know, but ODLAC was recently picked up to be a WEBTOON original series!  😱  Also this was the real reason for my sudden hiatus eheh  💦 

Anyways, I'm about to begin production, and truth be told,the schedule is pretty tight ><; Because of this,I've decided to make changes to my Patreon rewards since I won't have as much time as before to commit to Patreon + I'm not allowed to post the comic's contents here so that means I'd have way less content I can post here ;-;

So yeah! I'll be pausing my Patreon charges for this month too,and continuing next month once I've made the changes to the rewards (hopefully by the end of the month,I want to evaluate how busy I will be judging by the next few weeks from now first). 

I will most probably remove the cameo and art rewards,but I'll catch up on the ones I already owe people so please don't worry about losing your cameo just because of the reboot! Also if you want me to start working on the art I owe you,please feel free to message me here!

That's all for now I think... Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions, and again,thank you so so much for supporting me and ODLAC, whether it was only for 1 month or from the beginning of this comic's existence because I legit wouldn't have been able to carry this comic on for so long without you ❤️ 

Here is a small token of my appreciation to you guys and I hope you have a great day!



Hey I said it already but congratulations again! This is really big and I'm super happy for you &lt;3


Thank you very much! I'm really happy and nervous about it too T//T ;;