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Hello Dark Ones!!

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still busy drafting the upcoming chapters :( I want it to be as good as it can be so I ended up redoing it many...many...many times haha OTL

Anyways,as a sign of goodwill since I haven't been able to post much content this month due to dying in the hell that is drafting and planning a comic,and real life stuff(*cough* online shop,family events,part-time work,con and idol performances *cough*), I've decided to pause my Patreon charges this month. I also didn't want to rush the comic and end up with a billion plotholes and being unsatisfied with it OTL

 TLDR is that you guys won't be charged on the 1st of October :D 

As always,thanks so so much for being my patrons and I really appreciate each and every one of you <3 

I'll be back with content in early October,so I hope to see you guys then! >-</ Have a great week!


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