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Hi guys!

I just wanna apologize for the lack of updates X-x I've been extra busy with the shop and prep for Comic Fiesta..which I'm still not finished with yet TvT; 

Also I wanted to announce that I'm planning on changing things on my Patreon here such as:

  • changing Tier $3 to an early access one 
  • moving the current Tier $3 rewards to Tier $5
  • abolishing/pausing Tiers $15 and $20

My reasons for these are that I want to catch up on my unfinished drawings and cameos that I owe some of you guys first!(There hasn't really been a scene in which I can have cameos who aren't mean to Gen so yeah xP I feel kinda bad taking all that extra money when I'm not sure when exactly the cameos can start coming in again ;;) and also honestly I'm starting to feel a little burnt out and exhausted from doing too many things at one time ;v; ;;

I hope you guys understand and continue to support ODLAC!I'm really grateful for all the love and support I've gotten so far,both financially and in kind words and gestures <3 Have a great week!




My goodness you have so much going on! Take as long as you need and take care of yourself &lt;3


Thanks Hashuano &lt;3 Hahah everyone is being a Genmum and saying that to me so much nowadays xD