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Hey there! I didn't have an update to share last week because liked a lot of people I got caught up in a... certain game haha but well, now we're back into it!


The new update is out! This update introduces Clef. At first, I wanted to also introduce the new town, but as I was planning out that part of the story, it was hard to justify some of the stuff I wanted for the story, so I switched stuff around and now, you meet Clef before entering the last town.

The poll for the next update is now available and should Clef win, he will now get his first scene xP.

Dreadlord Ascension:

The next update is well on its way and should be ready in time for the end of this month (on the 27th). We added a new event between Asker and Fenris and we're also working on a story scene with Soren!



All super exciting news and I am super happy to hear that we are getting a super final last town! Nice stuff in ascension too!


May I ask whether there will be knotweed Hisahito this is a male protagonist named Curse back to war anime, I have been looking forward to this role for a long time can I ask you to add?


Sorry, I do not take requests to add characters and there are not many characters I plan to add to Palestra.