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As voted by patrons, the next update will continue the main story! I can't say for sure there will be a new CG (I don't think i'll be able to for this update since I'll handle other stuff needed for the update) but you will be able to meet a "new" character!

Dreadlord Ascension:

This week, I worked on two things:

1- I will be adding a proper map to the conquest mode for a first layer of polish. In this map, you will be able to see a glimpse of Cervius's territory!

2- The second item on the list is Haiden's animation! I managed to finish the last part of Haiden's affinity scene and it will be sent at the beginning of next month as part of the package! In the meantime, here's a little preview of it :P



Both looking amazing as heck!


Haven't seen it mentioned a lot, but I love seeing how Cervius' character (or at least his depiction/interactions) has evolved over the updates, especially with his interactions and attitudes toward Soren and Zel. This doesn't really have to do with the current update, but wanted to mention it and didn't want to just post on an old update.


Thank you! I hope you'll also like what we have in mind for their future updates and future characters :P