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Sorry about the delay, but here is the new Dreadlord Ascension version! We unfortunately couldn't fix all the bugs, however, our plan would be to release another version in the coming days to fix some of the bugs we know are left.

*This version requires to start from the beginning unless you played the test version on the Discord server

Download link

The game save is mostly complete with the milking room and other rooms being unlocked.

Game save

Known bugs: 

- Soren or other characters sometimes not refreshing properly. Like after crafting gifts or after you give them their prismind to train them (reloading the game should fix the issue)

- In Asker's hero challenge, it's not possible to go through the middle door (you can use the corridors instead)

V0.7.2 Changelogs:

- Nerfed Enravel's resistance to make him more vulnerable to magic damage

- Added the scenes to the scrying pool (character with scenes between each other will need to get the necessary affinity to trigger the scene)

- A bug with Cervius unable to take action should be fixed

- Fixed a bug where Cervius can no longer use refresh if his support skill was changed

- The "Milking" option does not work when talking to characters in the milking room. This is intentional and is there for the future milking minigame

Notable additions:

- Remade the affinity story for Leif and Asker

- Added the first version of the adventure board to send heroes on adventures

- Added the first version of the conquest map

- Added the sex training minigame for all the characters

- Added the defeated scenes for the Radian characters

- Added the hero challenges for Radian

If you have any feedback or bugfixes to report, you are always welcome to do so in the comments below! Thank you for your support!



Hello, what are the tasks of the new version of Kostyx? It lets me talk to Kostyx, but I've already finished the shop, and now I can't refresh the conversation with Kostyx, this bug is blocking my progress because every time I want to open the Hero map it says "I should Kostyx about shop"


Try to close and reload your game. There currently is a bug we need to fix where this kind of stuff sometimes doesn't load properly


Why can't I use my previous saves from other versions? Because when I transferred it over it worked fine. Is there some sort of glitch when you do that?


Okay, let me tell you about my difficulties: The Hero map opens as the new conquest map page, and I click on "fight", which leads me to the plot, where I fight enemies, meet Kostyx, and then move to the safety of the castle for a conversation, where Kostyx offers to enter the castle and set up shop (so far, it feels like a repeat story). Now if I want to open the world map to play the heroes, Cervius will force me to say "I should talk to Kostyx about his shop", but my previous archive has already done this task. I couldn't find Kostyx to refresh the dialogue, so I was stuck in the castle and couldn't enter the heroes' world.I have restarted the game many times, even deleted the installation package to download again, still stuck here, I would like to ask how I should play, thank you。😘


it's definitely going to mess some stuff up because you won't have access to stuff like the Daemonheim story when it comes around because you won't have the variables set for the missions


Yes, I have done this task in the previous archive, and the new version repeated the task, but the shop was built in the previous archive, I couldn't refresh the dialogue, couldn't complete the task, and was stuck in the task.


Probably if the new version uses the previous archive, the items and facilities in the game are still the same as the archive, but the plot has been reopened, resulting in me not being able to complete the plot and being stuck in the game progress. I am sorry that I used translation software to translate, maybe the expression is not very clear.


yeah, I just replayed through the whole thing to make sure and it worked. After the mission, you build the shop for Kostyx, then you'll have the tutorial about the skill books and after that, you need to go to the adventure board (right above the mission table), send Fenris on the first adventure, wait 10 second, and claim it. After this, you can use the mission table. I'm going to bed but if you need more help I'll be around when i wake up


Yes, this process is correct, but because I used the previous version of the archive to go to the console, it did not trigger the plot, because my archive has already built the store, so I am stuck in the new version of the repeated plot (because until the completion of the story of building the store, I can not go to the hero's map). But if I don't use the save, then I have to play it again. 😔Using the save, although my level, heroes, item facilities are retained, but the story and mission have been reset, I can not trigger the story, still stuck in the game.


How do I get the last material to unlock Pleasure Room and Throne Room


Unfortunately, those are semen types and the milking room isn't available just yet. I will try to post a save with those unlocked either later today or tomorrow so people can enjoy those parts of the castle.


When I build the shop for Kostyx, my game just gets stuck on a black screen after the map.


Alright, just to make sure so we can identify the bug, are you: 1- Using a fresh save from this version 2- Did you try skipping the animation for the map in some way? 3- Did it happen more than once? Also, if possible, could you send me the logs in a private message here on patreon? You can upload the logs on any site and send me a download link. You should be able to find the logs here: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Dreadlord Ascension\logs


1- Using a fresh save 2- I pressed the X in the top right of the map, though I did skip some dialog during the tutorial Just tested letting the animation finish instead and it continues with the cutscene no problem! 3- I reloaded an autosave before building and it happened again. 4- Is there somewhere else it might save logs? I couldn't find the log folder, but I have the game on a different drive which might be why.


I think I know what the bug is thanks to your replies, thanks! That's most likely caused by pressing the "X" in the corner ;)