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Update is here with tons of changes. We had quite a lot to add, hence why we're a little late. Our only hope is that there aren't too many bugs xP. If you encounter any (which wouldn't surprise me lol) please report them in the comments with as many information as possible so we can fix them! Now then, enjoy this new version Dreadlord Ascension!

For this update, you should start with a fresh save. (as will be the case for a few of the next updates, but our goal is to make the continuous save by the end of the year)

Download link 

Changelogs V0.2.9.2:

- Fixed Fenris having Soren's bust when talking to him while he's in the milking room

- Fixed the sounds in Soren's mindcontrol scene

- Fixed Zel's summoned custcene not playing which in turn prevents his affinity scene from playing properly (talk to Zel in the castle to fix his affinity step)

- Fixed Zel not having dialogues when assigned to the milking room

- Fixed Zel's outfits not appearing in the outfit selection

- Removed the practice stage from the demon map

- Added Zel's portrait to the status screen

- Renamed Zel's and Soren's affinity scene to have their proper names on the map

- Made the portal's clickable zone bigger

- Removed some proofreading notes from Soren's second sex training scene

- Fixed some busts in the story cutscenes

- Fixed the pink fade in Zel's final sex training scene

- Fixed the game crashing when selecting Zel in some stages

- Added a frame limit to the game

Changelogs V0.2.9.1:

- Fixed the position of one of the buttons in Soren's affinity scene

- Fixed the button on Soren's head giving 100 progress in his affinity scene (it should give 20)

- Fixed Soren's last part of his affinity scene not working properly

- Fixed the mission 2-6 not appearing (play mission 2-5 again to make it appear if it's missing)

Changeslogs V0.2.9:

- Added Zel to the summoning room after mission 2-6

- Added new missions up to 2-7

- Added Zel's sex training and affinity scenes

- Updated Soren's affinity scenes, portraits, sprites, etc. with his new appearance

- Added a new shop upgrade after mission 2-4

- With the shop upgrade, you can now buy and equip new passive and active skills on the characters. (There currently is no tutorial/explanation for that, but our goal is to add it in the next update)

- Changed the appearance of the portal in the summoning room

- Zel and Fenris will now appear in the castle

- Added a second worker slot to the first upgrade of the milking room

- Added a new facebox for the dialogues

- Started updating the UI elements (this is still a work in progress)

- You will now see the room you upgraded when doing upgrade at the work table (still a work in progress)

- Added a map of the castle (work in progress)

- debugged the battle forecast some more

- Added voices to the characters when selecting them during battle

- Changed the videos for the affinity scenes to increase the quality

- Added fixed resolutions to the windows to reduce scaling artifacts. You can change the resolution in the options, but if you want the game to look its best, it is recommended to play in fullscreen (1080p)

- Changed the special trigger animation and added several new special animations



Can't seem to find mission 2-6? Also during sorens infinity H scene are the 2nd phase boxes supposed to be blacked out?


The mission 2-6 didn't show up after finishing mission 2-5. Also, affinity event of soren stuck at number 2. I don't know its a bug or not, thank you!


Noted, I'll get on fixing 2-6 and 2-7 asap, as for Soren, you should be able to get his affinity scene since the person above did, just make sure you lvl up his affinity through stages to get the next scene (if it still doesn't work, i'll take a look at it ;) )


Hi, so, I'm trying to use Zel in battles where he isn't supposed to be (aka the ones before you met him), but the game just crashes, I guess it's a bug

Mark. W

Looks like I cannot trigger Zel's affinity. I can only see the first one on the map but I cannot find the second one after many battles


Thank you :) I will be looking at this, as well as several other bugs today ;)