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Got the writing done, the outfits and almost done with the whole CGs! The update is progressing well and should be available on time next week! I hope you'll enjoy the random event I got planned haha, it's probably the biggest random event I did so far xD.

I also thought of a small QoL update that some people will appreciate. I'm going to add labels over shops or important side NPCs to help the player out.

Dreadlord Ascension:

Progress on a few characters this week, but I'm going to hold off a little before showing too much. I did work on the hero that will be part of the "main" story and he'll most likely be the next full character I show since he'll probably appear fairly early in the game. :P

new animation:

I finished the second animation for Zel and it's a remake of the rimming move xP. Since Cervius' hand was free, I decided to add a little milking element haha.


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