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This poll here is to decide which move from DDC should now transition into a finisher before voting, you can read the description of what I have in mind for these finishers. You are free to pitch in and post your own ideas of what the finishers could be!

Milking Finisher: The screen fades to black as we see the character being milked in a more elaborate device. The character's balls are enlarged for a better harvest.

Mindthrone Finisher: The screen fades to black after the vision only to see the character bound to a tentacle wall and his brain is being messed with some more to send yet another final vision.

Semen Steal Finisher: After stealing the content's of his opponent's balls, DDC also steal's his opponent's girth size to increase his own and leave his opponent with a tiny dick.

Alternate Corruption Finisher: As the name suggests, the Corruption Finisher would get a second finisher much like the vore finisher.

Charm Finisher: When finished off by the Charm move, the character will look at DDC and be able to hold themselves back from masturbating furiously to him and won't stop after unloading once.


So we have a tie here huh... that's a bit of a hard situation... what I'll be doing is that I'll be doing the Milking finisher for this month and the Mindthrone finisher next month because I can't make both in a single month lol.



Just extra ideas to build on some of the ones you have above: Milking- Maybe have a brand or like a tag to give the finisher more of a cattle feel (like a triforce for Link on the ass similar to kuromaru's move) Mind Throne- When they're on the wall let their faces be seen bc their expressions definitely add to it and I've seen the work you put into them on the mind throne but it deserves more time : ) Semen Steal- For extra insult to injury DDC should test his new dick n the defeated opponent so they know their sacrifice went to a good cause


That's really interesting for all of them, I'm noting them down! Thank you :D