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The game is really starting to take shape and is definitely improving based on the feedback we've been getting. Here's what we're looking to finish up over the next week for the .09 release:

Beta path:

We're working in different 'looks' for the character. Just because of the amount of scenes we need to redo, some of the renders still are going to show the old face and hair type for now.  We're going to start working out different 'looks' in early December to give Patrons a chance to vote on what hairstyles and makeup options, they like the most. So far we're including the following in the next release:

  • Two additional hair types
  • 1 additional body type
  • 1 additional makeup type

There will also be additional prostitution content as part of the next release.

Alpha path:

  • Advancing the Hippolyta/WW storyline.
  • Killer Frost has been lonely, swing by her cell and cheer her up!

We're also going to continue to rework the dialogue and re do some scenes based on feedback. There are some bugs that need to be quashed around some of the picture names causing some errors. 

As an important side note, we're going to be building a new rig for rendering in late December. Obviously the animations chew up a lot of time during the month, and with the different beta 'looks' we would need to create there would be a bottleneck otherwise. 

Thanks again for all your support!



Another comment. It doesn't stop the game, but after becoming Jenni, our hero goes to practice with batgirl the Male hero image is shown. Practicing with WW give the female version.


Just a comment to say that I'm quite pleased with how things are going. I also appreciate the regular status updates and quick attention given to bugs. Keep up the good work!