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First I want to thank you all for all the nice and supportive comments to the previous patreon update post. I had some time to think about what to do. Finally I have decided to pause billing for April.

  • I know a lot of you cancel by the end of the month and then resub next month. Please don't do that this time, because you will be billed for April in that case. It's the way Patreon does things. 
  • If you just cancel, know that you will still have access to the March archive (assuming you save the link somewhere...). The March archive will stay up until things go back to normal.  
  • The last updates to the archive were made at the end of February so if you were a supporter in February, then you are probably still up to date

With the important bits out of the way, some further explanation:

I know some of you said you'd be happy with me just billing as usual. I am super grateful for that (actually I am really grateful for all the support I have been getting in general and I am glad you guys like my work so much), and I am not ignoring your suggestion but like I said before, I really cannot accept payment while I am on a break. The exception to this would be new patrons, who would get access to the uncensored and patreon exclusive works that are in the archive and so would get something new in return for payment. 

The current tier will stay the same. I feel like pausing/unpausing and changing prices/adding cheaper tiers could easily lead to mistakes or confusion on my end, so I will just make 1 change at a time. 

I will of course keep you updated if anything changes.



its worth the wait, love your art

Magnus Motor

I just discovered your work, it's great escapism to my gruelling PhD, so thanks! I do get why you'd lack motivation, sometimes you just have to go surf to unwind! :)

Cuess Air

Zero has been doing this for a while and sometimes the process can take its toll even if you love what you are doing.