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Evie was at risk of getting free. Can't have that.


This update took a bit longer than I had planned for. Even now I don't think it is quite finished. I will refine it after working on something else first. Even in its current state, it shows the story progression quite nicely. 

I am not sure whether I will keep doing stories in comic format or not. I feel single images are of better quality than these comics. Or maybe a weekly update schedule is too much and I need to take more time for these. I dunno.

As usual, links to the archive can be found here.




I find the single images more evocative. Might have something to do with lingering on the details, whereas with the comics there's an inclination towards moving towards the next panel and glossing over everything. Or maybe I'm reading too fast :P


I'm a bit late to this but I honestly think that the single images are a lot better purely because there's more detail and focus on the whole picture rather than segmented parts. I think there's a lot more to enjoy from them, it builds up the tension a lot more too. Also, take as much time as you need to make these, you're a skilled artist and I think rushing yourself won't do you any favours


Thanks! Yeah the weekly updates were maybe a bit much. I do want some sort of schedule, so from now on updates with probably come every 2 weeks, let's see how that works out. Also, I think single images work better too, so I'll probably focus more on doing these from now on.