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And now it's Iris' time to shine!


This week there are 3 more images to the actual rescue party storyline (one of which is the WIP I shared 2 weeks ago). I am actually starting to regret doing a complex interior scene. That shit takes forever and just doesn't look as good as basic outdoor desert/wasteland or underwater stuff. 

I am also working on the next part to Marine Biology, and I am planning to continue with Slugworm trouble. Regarding slugworm trouble, I am considering changing the monster back from the slugs they are now, to the headcrab like critters they were for the commission (half spider half headcrab, maybe 'spidercrab'?). Those are much cooler and fit the sequence and environment better. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little update and as always, images are in the archive.



From Beyond

I'd love to see her getting wrapped up in meat walls


The Alpha looks so mischievous and cute in that little cut away on the second picture lol. But I'm sure he's thinking "ohh two for the price of one".


I hear where you're coming from with the interiors, but i LOVE how it lends itself to really unique positions like the girl in the shower. I hope you can find ways to integrate interesting set pieces in the other environments!


Spider boi be like OH SHI~

Kwisatz Haderach

Are the spiders using ovipositors to lay eggs inside the hosts or do they actually fertilize the hosts’ own eggs? Kinda curious about the biology here.


They lay tiny already fertilized eggs. They don't actually need humans as hosts and can actually lay eggs anywhere, but the alpha is certainy developing a taste for it. Spiderlings hatching from eggs implanted in mammals do appear to come out a bit more mature than those implanted in lesser critters/other insects or just dropped on the ground.


The girl's wombs offer a better protection as they have a constant regulated body-temperature, always keeping the environment the eggs are in moisturized and self-adjusting for the volume. So the eggs don't need to waste energy to harden the egg "shell" to protect itself and the growing spiderlings don't have to spend nutrients to try and keep themselves protected from the shifting temperatures, all they have to do is focus on growing and maturing properly.


Awesome work as always!!!


After looking at these new pages a bit, I want to offer a bit of constructive criticism for page 19. I really think Iris' facial expression and body language just seems way too relaxed. She doesn't really give off a sense of urgency. It's not really an expression that says "Oh my god, my best friend just got bound, brutally raped, and impregnated! And it's coming for me next!!" It looks more like "Ah geez, now I've got a big mess to clean up... Oh well, I'll take care of it." Especially after her great expression on page 18, it really seems like she should have a much more panicked expression as she desperately reaches for the gun, then whips around, ready to fight for her life.


I like that he made sure to finish up leaving that sticky creampie in shower girl even as Iris watched though.


after going back and having another look at page 19, I think you might have a point. she doesn't seem concerned enough, especially in the large panel. I should probably address that


Unf, parasitic oviposition is the highest form of noncon.


I really like the detail, that Iris accidentally steps on the spiderweb. This gives a good Idea, what's going to happen next. You've got a really good manner to trigger the imagination. One get way more from you than excellently drawn pictures. Thanks for it.

Josh Foster

I didn't get the impression that Iris was relaxed in page 19. She seemed panicked until she had a weapon, then she was "all business" with her training kicking in. These ladies are probably trained in the use of firearms and know that once you have your finger on the trigger, you must be calm/focused. (So I don't mind page 19 facial expressions -- just another viewpoint from another fan)


I enjoyed the bit of extra detail of the penetration in 18, though always nice to see the character's expression at the same time which is out of the frame here. Would love to see extra details there develop, maybe a peek of inner lips around the penetration at some point. But looking good :)


If you want to simplify the backgrounds in future I don't think anyone would mind. I'd personally prefer it over more stories taking place in a barren wasteland where there isn't much room for creative encounters. I mean how many stories have we had where the monster emerges from the ground?


I’m enjoying seeing this play out. The rescue party will soon need rescuing. The spider is like send more girls. The art is excellent as usual. It feels more widescreen cinematic than just reading a comic. The shot of then vehicle then the girls inside driving. The follow up to rescue party following from pest control. That first pic from Rescue Party with the girls patrolling. No dialogue but none is needed. I’m hooked

Plus Huang

Here are some thoughts since I still using pixiv: How about make a nest like background while constraint heroine's posture, maybe all cocooned but still consciousness to be played