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In this week's "Resuce Party": The spider family finally realized it is not convenient to have bodies blocking the entrance to your home, and decided to fix that. You don't have dedicated storage space for nothing after all. 

This time there is one new image and 2 variants, all added to the rescue party folder in the archive below. Please enjoy.




James Gavin

This ending is very cool - even if I do feel sorry for the lovely captives. Still, maybe another bunch of rescuers will turn up to keep them company...


Fantastic series... I love the no escape ending. Too my mind we would all expire eventually, i can see no possible means of rescue or escape and the strain on our bodies would be enormous... Although it would not be painful or nasty, we would be kept sedated and aroused as we grow slowly weaker. Eventually expiring with a soft moan as we "suffer" yet another orgasmic birth... The beauty of fantasy, it begins again as adventure anew x


I think the spiders are prepared for that, it looks like they can accomodate a few more guests


Excellent, I'd love to see these girls get some company in the future.


The more, the merrier! I wouldn't mind seeing a new group of rescuers (Lena included) getting captured, and being bred in that second chamber. And, even if we don't see them, subtle hints that the OG trio are still alive and breeding, further underground... This would probably be a long-term, anniversary tribute, no doubt you want to move on to other stuff until then!

Furing George

I'm not saying I dislike bad endings like this, on the contrary, it's pretty great. But the author could also have drawn an ending where the girls are rescued and taken back to the base or ship. Imagine a whole base or ship turned into a giant seedbed, that really got me excited.


Actually one of the things I want to do here is explore different endings. Drawing an escape scene and follow-up of that is on the list of things to do, but priority is below the next part of the giant slugs story.


Just popping in... congrats zG, on hitting nearly 500 Patrons! Also, we now have Kim and Sam to be more or less the accepted names for the brunette rescuer and rescuee, respectively. What should the blonde rescuer be called? I think Matt had a name that I can't remember, but zG should descide the best one.

Matt (not that one)

Yeah, I think my suggestion was something like "Solveig," but ehhhh, I'm withdrawing my suggestion. We've got "Sam," I think too many S names doesn't work. The blonde rescuer's name should definitely be zG's choice anyway-- she's the face of the Patreon!


Agreed. She also looks like the youngest mother, seeing as this is probably her first pregnancy. Sam and Kim, from what I can tell, seem to be more experienced mothers, having already been impregnated and given birth to other monsters in zG's earlier works.


My own rendition of the fantasy scene... it wont stay long, i think it has 7 days https://we.tl/t-MbEfnZzT0L


That's really good! Buuuutttt, I have to ask... what happened to Kim on the right?!


Lol i had already started the image when you said i was the girl on the right, i had made myself the centre girl because i wanted to put a drained girl into the postion on the right... It would have been to complicated to change it all so left it as was but i have made my breasts sag to match... lets just say it is after the spiders moved us around x

CVonRatz .

Just joined as a patron, loved your art ever since I discovered it about a year ago on pixiv. The Pest Control series is just absolutely amazing. If I can make a small request to the versions, can there be some versions of the last few pages where the girls are completely webbed up, faces included?


Oh ok, that's understandable. Apart from Lena (the black-haired girl in Giant Slugs), all the names of the girls are so far assumed, until zG officially announces them in a future post. I nick-named the reddish/brunette girl Sam a while back, and zG seemed to approve.


Still hoping for that Very Bad Ending! Hope you work those into your variations for all your storylines!


Fantastic theme and art. I anticipate a bad or very bad ending....or happy or very happy ending (for the spiders)!


would love to see some new unfortunate girls in the same cave along side the current captives


@kimm~i could you upload it somewhere, where it stays online? I would soooo love to see it :-)