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I am working on a new story, since ARP is coming to an end. This character is final. She will be the next one to take on this planet's wildlife. A tattood axe wielding hunter, perfect. She needs a name, but other than that, I very much like her design and choice of weapons.

As for the setting, I think it is time for a plant based story, so this is the first thing I came up with.


ARP will continue soon, once I know how. The final action scene is causing issue, if it doesn't work out, I will skip the action and continue after alpha got kicked out of the APC.

Also, be sure to use the new archive links here. Links have been updated for July.




Concept looks really cool and I'm looking forward to seeing what story line you create for it, and I love the tattoo on the character. Your work is fantastic, your use of color both for the character and the background, while muted, is well done. If you're open to a suggestion for future works? It may not fit your style or not be something you're interested in drawing at all but if you ever feel like adding body/facial piercings I would enjoy it. Thank you for sharing your art!


I think it would be interesting to create a scenario where the pistil of a plant is parasitized inside the host's uterus, transferred to another plant, and then fertilized with stamens to achieve sexual reproduction.

Dan G.

It’s been a long time since we’ve had a story with a “bad ending”, so I’m inclined to see another one here. I’d love to see the plant keeping and digesting her or seeding and releasing her. Then when the time is right the seed compels her to wander off and plant her pussy in fertile soil. The new seedling sprouts out of her, rooting her in place and slowly using her for its initial nutrients. A bit of mind control followed by helplessness would be fun.


Someday would you be open to make an oc with white hair?