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Doujjin Works -> It's Never A Quick Fuck - To see the full doujin

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The Evangelion doujin, It's Never a Quick Fuck, is finally complete!

The surprise I had mentioned earlier this year is that I will be creating physical prints for doujins!

If that sounds like a good idea you'd be interested in please let me know and comment below!

Physical media is something that's been in the works for a while. Now that this doujin is completed I think we can finally move forward on it. I want to release a lot of the previous doujins as well over time in physical form. Though I will need to work on some covers for those.

First and foremost I want to thank Jon Stevens for commissioning this doujin and for their incredible patience on its long production. Also of course I want to thank all of you for your support and patience as well!

Without all of you enjoying what I do none of this would ever be possible in the first place. Sincerely thank you all it means more to me than I can ever express!
I love what I do and I am forever grateful that I get to do it so I will continue to try my best!

The circumstances surrounding this doujin were pretty particular. It led to a long road that really dragged on for much longer than it needed to. I was very naive when I had accepted the work in how I thought I could pace myself. Also I was doing a lot of restructuring with the Patreon and how I handled content on here. So it was kind of a cluster fuck. Thankfully we learned a lot on how to handle these situations. Slowly things are catching up and we're on a good track ahead

For now I'll continue to work on the Sexy Selects until they're caught up. Then I plan on finally getting to that Melony doujin from some time ago... Is there anybody here that even remembers that?

Thank you all so much again for your incredible patience and support ♥

Let's continue doing our best




where a doujin with asuka fuck misato or the blond girl ?


One hell of a work and on top of that, can make sense lore wise!

Aebard Thawne

Yaaaaasssss physical media I'll take 3. For real.


Looking forward to your next works as always! And I would be honored to own that doujin as physical version as well as some future arts!

Aebard Thawne

Oh, just throwing out an idea, if the printer you work with let's you do additional full colored insert pages, could be neat to put in some of those Eva sexy Select winners


youre not wrong there that is a neat idea I think we could potentially do

Diego Casimiro

Dude I’d totally want one too!

Jon Stevens

This is amazing! Thank you so much for doing this. I truly appreciate it. Great work, and I look forward to more from you in the future 😃


im really glad you like it and I had a ton of fun working on it ♥ i'm sure we'll work on some other awesome things in the future and I look forward to it