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Hey guys!

I hope all of you who have already played V0.06 have enjoyed and liked it! Particularly how the MC's harem will function in the future. I would appreciate any feedback you have if you feel that anything needs to be changed / added / modified!

Having said that, let's take a look at what's coming next!
First of all, the roadmap is going to change a little bit.

Pregnancy mechanic

I've decided to implement Eleanor's pregnancy feature in V0.07 already.
It's my goal to "complete" Eleanor and give you the full experience! See how her body changes and explore the possibility of generating Mind Points this way!

The original draft I wrote about pregnancies has also been rethought and streamlined. There will be more about this in a separate dev update that I will post in the coming weeks.

Quests of V0.07

Along with the newly introduced pregnancy feature, V0.07 offers three new quests.

The first real main quest:
For the first time our MC has to face a newly formed government agency whose job it is to deal with people with powers. Will it turn out to be a good or bad thing?

Bill's second quest:
This quest is about you having to deal with the fact that Bill is the only one who knows your secret. In what way will you proceed? Choose between two exciting options! Bill's relationship with you will be fundamentally altered by both.

Sofia's (landlady) third quest:
It's time to finally get her the lotion she's been craving. However, this proves to be more difficult than expected. You'll need help from Alice and call in her favor to reach your goal.
Therefore, V0.07 will also feature Alice's first interaction!

After you finally pamper Sofia with the lotion it's time to take your relationship with her to the next level...

V0.07 will be released for "Enthusiast", "Fan" and "Supporter" tier supporters at the end of October.




The harem dynamic is interesting and i'm keen to see how it will play out. Hopefully the girls, once they have become mentally dominated, will still have roles to play in the story. Perhaps assisting MC in other quests, helping him add more girls to his harem.


Some will have additional content, but not all of them. For example Eleanor, she will help you to get her friend, the architect Angelina (from end of Eleanors first quest).

Ionut Trif

When and what's next for Sarah? And can the Bill quest go to optional sharing?


Feel free to take a look at the roadmap: https://imgur.com/LCAn5cf Her next quest will be part of V0.08. Sharing in any form isn't planned.