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V0.06 is available to download for the Fan & Enthusiast tier!
The Supporter tier get access to V0.06 on September 18th, followed by the Admirer tier on October 2nd.

Public release will happen two weeks later, on October 16th.

V0.06 is probably the most comprehensive update I've done so far. With it you'll experience Shattered Minds in a whole new way. With V0.06 the game becomes what it was always meant to be, a harem builder.

Savegames are compatible, no need to start a new game!

Content of V0.06 (Changelog):

  • added the quest "Adventure Minds" (Ava)
    Unlock the power to subjugate others by diving deep into MC's mind.
    There's a unique adventure waiting for you!
  • get your first servant and add her to your harem: Eleanor
  • Summon her to your room: Have sex with her as often as you want (4 positions available)
  • Manage her: Tell her what to do and let her earn money, XP or Mind Points for you.
  • Decide how she should dress.
  • Rewrite her personality as often as you like: choose between girlfriend, servant and mindless slave. Experience her different behavior with each personality.
  • One new app, "Reports": keep track which resources your girls generate for you
  • Updated and expanded apps: The "Contacts" and "My power" app have been extended with a second tab, providing usefull informations and adjustment options.
  • bug fixes, spelling corrections and improvements of existing content

V0.06 is available for Windows/Linux, macOS and android.





I just found this game and played v0.5 and allow me too say to you this is beyond anything i could have imagined

Jason Miller

How in the world do you install the cameras?