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Hey guys!

Let me first tell you that V0.11 is coming along well. I still have an insane amount of work to do, but I'm confident I'll finish it in time and release in mid-May.

Last week I put some new polls online. Voting has now ended, and here are the results:


 The results of Billie's poll were very clear. By a wide margin, the option of turning Bill into a "biologically normal woman" won.

Therefore, Bill's transformation quest revolves around this.

Community Character

In case you missed the dev update last week, we are in the process of designing a character after the vote from you, the community.

Let's start with the age.

 According to the result, the "community character" should be a woman between the ages of 18 and 25.

Next, I wanted to know which ethnicity this character should belong to.

 It's an extremely close call here.
By a hair's breadth, you have decided the figure should be "white."

I've planned to add an asian woman as one of the new characters to the gym anyway. The result only encourages me to do so.

So in conclusion, our Community Character is going to be a white young woman.

As always, thanks to everyone who participated in the polls. Let's continue to shape Shattered Minds together!

New Poll: Body shape

Next, I would like to know what body shape our community character should have.

Link to the new poll



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