Future Updates - Tell me your opinions (Patreon)
Thank you so much everyone for your thoughts!
For now, all delivery will remain as is and will not change.
I've already started making updates to my website, and will soon be adding a filterable image gallery that will link out to the individual products to make searching the backlog much easier.
I need to go and create new display images for a lot of old figures, but once this is all done I'll make another update for you!
You can check out the website for funsies here, I've been building all of this myself behind the scenes so if you find any bugs, let me know!
Hey all!
I wanted to run some potential ideas by you and get your opinions. Obviously I'm always wanting to push the patreon and grow the BellaFam, so of course I'm going to try and include you in my future changes.
A lot of you know that the past year has just been a bit chaotic for me with various health issues and life issues that just kept slapping me in the face and putting me behind on work in general. Even now I'm pretty bogged down with doing everyday work to keep the bills paid - you know how it goes, right? And also trying to get back on top of the 3D work.
Actually it's been chaotic since Covid started, because that's when I ended up living in an empty tiny house without anyway to actually work for *months* due to the border closings etc and everything seems to keep snowballing on me. Frustrating, but that's life.
Rest assured, Patreon and KS supporters, this business and work is no. 1 on my mind every single day and I'm up until 11pm or later almost every night working. My desk is a bit of a nightmare, it's actually scary.
Ideas for the Shop
The back catalog is growing, and I'm aware that it's actually getting harder and harder to navigate it on my Gumroad shop because there's so many figures and very little way to filter the figures to find what you're after.
I use GR because it's free, it lets me create your license options very easily, and you can all go back and re-download figures you've purchased. The lack of page customisation to make it easier to navigate for you is making me want to pull away from it, but that really depends on you. If it doesn't bother you, it doesn't bother me.
I feel like the most optimal alternative would be to use Shopify to create a new store that's far more easily navigated for your browsing pleasure.
So the question is:
Would you like to see a new storefront OR would you rather keep it to Gumroad?
This change could effect your patreon rewards. I've always used GR to deliver, I'm not sure how well I could deliver them in the same manner using a shopify system.
About file delivery
Until now I've opted to using GR to deliver because this way, instead of posting them on patreon, only people who have paid for the month's pack would have the pack at the patreon price.
I didnt' think it would be fair for new people to join, pay for one month and then download all of the past packs that you all paid for each month.
So the question is do you care about this?
Would you like to keep the current system, or would you want me to post the figures to patreon and just leave them here, available forever to you and anyone who joins the patreon regardless of what month they've paid for?
As the supporters who make this life possible for me, I think it's really important to get your ideas and thoughts on it.
I mean, alternatively I could keep delivering your rewards via gumroad, and make a new shopify store for you to shop on to get past models - they just wont be available in your gumroad libraries, obviously.
Before you mention MMF, I really prefer not to use them for file delivery. Their system is clunky, glitchy, and has file size limits (that gumroad does not have btw). Even now with my current listings on that site, my files disappear half the time. I have to troubleshoot messages every week from people who bought something, and the files aren't in the product >_< because they disappeared somewhere in the upload process. Then I have to re-upload, wait a week, email them about the upload - it's a mess.-
Super Alternatively - we keep everything *exactly the same*
Tell me your thoughts. Tell me what you want aside from more boobies.