March Pack Update! The Swan Queen Pre-Supports (Patreon)
Good Morning!
The March reward pack has just been updated with the following files:
- The Swan Queen 32mm
- The Swan Queen 32mm - pre-supported
- The swan Queen 75mm - pre-supported solid
- The Swan Queen 75mm - pre-supported hollow
- The Swan Queen 140mm - pre-supported solid
- The Swan Queen 140mm - pre-supported hollow
I'm currently trialing a new company to do the pre-supports for your figures and so far they are going above and beyond! There's a 32mm supported figure now available for your tabletop scenarios.
Esmerelda is currently being supported and printed.
These figures were printed in transparent resin with the hope that the good results would be consistent with all kinds of resins.
As always, pre-supports can sometimes fail. These have worked for us, but errors can occur based on different print settings, different printers, different circumstances. If any issues do arise, please jump into the #printing-support channel of the Discord, or reach out to me and I can put you in contact with the new printers so you can troubleshoot the issue together!