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Thank so much everybody. I’m going to keep creating entertaining stuff until the end of time…..

Here’s my new audio interface ( red box on the right ).




My only request is that you get bold and try some new and wild stuff. You lean on the bosa nova, country, and thrash metal a little too hard. There's a LOT out there to play off, and you're plenty tallented enough to do it. I honestly can't think of another musician who can do what you do. I have loved you for a very long time, but every time it's another bossa nova or thrash metal, an 80s disco with a metal track, I sigh and roll my eyes a little. You are excellent at it, but you go to the tried and true, familiar stuff a bit too much now. In 2023, fuck me up. Blow my mind. A sea shanty? Russian dance? Berlin club music? Brazillian country? Can a metal song be done in gregorian chant? I feel like you've gotten in a bit of a rut, and I want something that will make me go "Holy SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!", rather than, "Damn, that's CLASSIC Andy!" There's literally nobody else in the world I can make this request to and have a shred of hope it will be honored. But you? You're the real deal. P.S - I will love you FOREVER for the Shake it Off cover. It is one of my most favorite things ever. The dude going 'Huumm.'? I die every damn time.


Hi Jesse, thanks for the input. Well I did this last week https://www.patreon.com/posts/hulk-hogan-polka-76121034?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link. Jerry Garcia auto tune is coming any day now. THere's too much guitar music on my channel right now because I'm being commissioned to do the videos.


Happy NewYear (by Eastern European Time right now)!