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Don't apologize because some Channel-Bully and its stinking anti-Christ "community guidelines" gave you the business. You have freedom OF speech, not freedom FROM speech! We will say anything we like around here, and DAMN THE CONSEQUENCES! The Founding Fathers would have been stacking these sodomite dictators like firewood by now, not apologizing to them! I got your six on this one, brother: remember, YT idiots destroyed my original channel for less than what you did. Now, lift up your head and flash a victorious grin for all to see!


Jesus, more patronizing virtue-signaling from “the good guys”. It was clear to me that your song was not hate speech, you were just stating an obvious fact of something that literally or figuratively happened that everyone is aware of. This assumption that everyone is super fragile and sensitive and needs protection may go in the direction of a self-fulfilling prophecy. As others have written, the death of humor is happening to some extent on these public platforms, as is the loss of the knowledge and feeling that people can understand the actual intention involved in a piece of art.