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Back again with another update! :]

(Only posted a few sketches this time to limit spoilers. If anyone wants to see more just ask :3)

I've had my hands full the last few weeks sketching, sketching and sketching.

For this chapter I decided to do things a little differently and sketch all of the sx scenes first so that I could put my full effort into them.

I'm pleased to say that the scene sketches are almost completely done. *Whew*

That puts the illustration count for chapter two at 115.

This is a pretty big milestone because the these were generally the most time consuming and difficult sketches I'll have to do.

Now all I have to do is do everything other than the sx scenes.. o.o

All in all I expect to be making ~200 illustrations for the chapter. (~80 in chapter 1)

As a side note, I'm going to be switching tasks off of illustrating for a bit and to something that isn't as harsh on my hands. 🤕 Turns out using my drawing tablet basically everyday for hours is a little much.

This shouldn't effect development at all though, I'll just have to balance tasks a little better.

If anyone has an tips for better tablet ergonomics I'd be interested in hearing em. :3

What do I expect to be doing the next few weeks? A lot of writing. If I can finish all of the writing I'll move to the game side of things. Once my wrist is recovered I'll be back on the tablet too, just not all the time.




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