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Hi Patrons 🧡

Writing with this month's charity donation organization!

In honour of Canada’s National day for Truth and Reconciliation Day (September 30th), this month’s charity donation has gone to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR).

Truth and Reconciliation Day is a day to honour the victims and Survivors of Canadian residential schools, as well as their families and communities. "It is a day for reflection, learning and most importantly, a commitment to a path of healing and meaningful reconciliation with Indigenous communities." - CMHC

For anyone unfamiliar with Truth and Reconciliation Day here in Canada, I encourage you to read more here: https://www.indigenousbc.com/national-day-for-truth-and-reconciliation-2023

The NCTR is a place of learning and dialogue where the truths of the residential school experience will be honoured and kept safe for future generations. Here, Survivors, their families, educators, researchers, and the public can examine the residential school system more deeply with the goal of fostering reconciliation and healing.“ (from their website)

Check out their website here: https://nctr.ca/

Sending love,

Alayna Joy 🧡



I love this so much. ♥️♥️


Good pick. A dark bit of history, but we need to work to make it right.