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Hi all! I hope you had a great weekend (and if you're in BC, I hope you managed to stay out of the smoke)! 

I'm writing to let you all know that for this month's charity donation, we were able to donate to GlobalMedic in support of their Haiti Earthquake Response Fund

GlobalMedic's mandate is to save lives by providing short-term, rapid response in the wake of disasters and crises, both at home and abroad, and they are currently working to provide relief in the wake of this most recent and devastating Haitian earthquake. 

You can find out more here: https://globalmedic.ca/  

As always, I hope you feel a spike of pride knowing that you've helped contribute to making this donation possible! I couldn't do it without you. ๐Ÿ’›

Sending love,

Alayna Joy ๐ŸŒป



This is really just such a lovely part of your Patreon, Iโ€™m so glad to be a part of it


Is September's already shortlisted/planned? As it's bi visibility month (and please everyone support #BiVisibilityDay on 23 Sept., whether that's by boosting the trend on social media or supporting actual bi people/bi-specific organisations with funds, time, mindshare, etc.), may I put forward for consideration a bi charity like Bi Pride UK here in the UK? Or any other bi-specific non-profit that does good work? (winners of last year's British LGBT Awards), or another non-profit. Bi Survivors Network here deserves more resources and is the only organisation of it's type in the UK (maybe further afield too). I'm sure there's worthy groups in the US/Canada too. Donating to general LGBTQIA+ organisations is not always the same thing as supporting bi people/work, in fact quite often not. [did some paid research into this May-June this year when LGBT Consortium realised bi org's weren't applying for or getting money from their funding, and it's not just them that has been failing to reach the bi orgs, it's pretty systemic since basically the 80s - the orgs don't expect to get any money due biphobia/not being setup for big charity funding cos they're all grassroots, so they don't bother applying anymore, and just make do and be super creative and hence why the bi funding is but a tiiiiiny fraction of the level invested into gay/lgbt groups - which wouldn't be such a problem if those "lgbt" groups (in name at least) actually supported the specific issues that bi people have]