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Morning all! I'm writing today to let you know about this month's charity donation. 

For June, we were able to donate to Diabetes Canada, as a part of their Lace Up to End Diabetes campaign. You can find out more here: https://crm2.diabetes.ca/site/SPageNavigator/2021_laceup_home.html 

You may not know this, as I don't think I've talked about it online before, but this one holds a special place in my heart. Type 1 diabetes runs in my family, and so I've grown up seeing the effect diabetes can have on a person and on a family. And it's no joke. 

But! I've also grown up seeing the positive impact of improved treatment and diagnoses, made possible through fundraisers like these! So I'm incredibly proud to be supporting this cause this month, alongside all of you. 

Sending love to you and yours,

Alayna Joy 🌻



Love this. One of my bffs was just diagnosed with type 1 and it’s a whole difficult ride and that we’re all learning about now in a different way.


Love this Iv signed up to do 1million steps over 3months to raise money for diabetes uk as my mum and brother both have type 2 so I’m challenging myself to raise money for them :)