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Morning all! How is everyone? I hope you've had a good start to your week.

I wanted to pop in and let you know about this month's charity donation! We were able to donate to The Canadian Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity! 🥰

The CCGSD works to intersectionally promotes diversity in gender identity, gender expression, and romantic and/or sexual orientation in all its forms on a national level through services in the areas of education, health, and advocacy. Their resources and programming are meant to uplift gender and sexual minorities, as well as offer tools to wider populations in building allyship. You can learn more here: https://ccgsd-ccdgs.org/ 

As always, if you have a charity that is close to your heart, please leave it in the comments down below and I'd be happy to check it out for a future month!

Sending love,

Alayna Joy 🌻



Amazing! I recently became a penpal for Black & Pink, (www.blackandpink.org) which is a USA-based organization supporting LGBTQIA+ people impacted by incarceration. Could be one for the future! 🖤💖


Maggie’s! Maggies is a non profit in Toronto that is run by sex workers for sex workers! They work to make sure that sex workers (particularly those who are black, indigenous, south East Asian, trans, homeless and/or use drugs). During COVID they have been working tirelessly to provide funds for sex workers unable to work, as well as developing education and awareness around safer sex work during the pandemic. They are truly incredible and reach internationally!