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Hi all! I just wanted to share something incredible. 

Thanks to you and your continued support here on Patreon, we've been able to donate nearly $700 to various charities throughout the year. That's WILD, and I couldn't have done it without you.

Here's to giving even more in 2020! Do you have any particular charities you'd like to see supported next year? Leave them in the comments! 

Lots of love,

Alayna Joy ๐ŸŒป



https://www.happytailsdr.com/ A local dog rescue, they don't get a lot of donations and as an owner of 3 weenies I love what they do and they need more funding <3


Bisexual support charities (ie. not just LGBT+ ones that mostly do a non-existant/terrible job on bi-specific issues) get less than 1% of all LGBT funding in USA and I bet similarly elsewhere. Can we support some of them (where they exist)? In UK, people like Biscuit, Bisexual Index, Bis of Colour, Bi Survivors Network (not charities); or BiPride UK and BiCon (charities). In USA, are a few too. BPUK held world's largest gathering of bi+ people this year by the way, at their very well received first event and are doing it again in 20202.