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well well well henlo besties! you guys know i’ve been dippin my tiny lil toes into 3d art and I want to share everything I learned and discovered to you guys!
i know 3d apps are very overwhelming, lots of terms and tools on the screen.. that’s why i think doing little simple stuff like this will help us get used to it!

APP: NOMADSCULPT (One time purchase $14.99)


Note: the yellow part I marked below is the default nomadsculpt tools. The others below are copies I made, that’s why you don’t have that on yours, just in case you wonder why i have so many tools hehe

ALSO! The pics below with the BREAD are screenshots I took AFTER i made it, I just wanted to show you guys the icons clearly because it’s not that visible in the video. I hope it’s not confusing!

Let’s get into it besties!

1. First scene, the default shape on the screen is a sphere.

Grid can also be distracting so you can turn that off first by clicking the icon on the bottom bar

2. Delete the sphere and add a box (shape closest to what you wanna make)

3. Validate the shape. Every time you add a shape in your scene, you always have to validate it.

4. Use the GIZMO tool to adjust the thickness, length and height of your shape.

5. Use the DRAG tool to shape it like a breadddddd

i think the SYMMETRY tool is on on default, so if it does this thingy on your shape too, turn off the symmetry tool on the left side bar

6. now still using the DRAG tool, shape the box into a bread. You can adjust the drag brush tool’s size and intensity by adjusting the bar on the left side.

7.  Now we add colorrr using the PAINT tool (side bar or the one on the bottom left)

if you click the sphere under this paint tool, you can change the SURFACE of your 3d model. You can choose from matte, glossy or metal surface

add the bread color!

you can see that even though I picked a lighter bread color, the whole scene seems very dark

To make the scene lighter, go to the sun icon on the upper right bar

now it’s lighter!

8. Back to adding color, paint the bread crust now

It might look like this, like the edges of the brush are not clean..

so.. you can adjust that by clicking the 2nd icon on the right bar, then choose ALPHA, click the SCREEN PROJECT on the bottom and change the shape of the brush..

into this full color block and you’ll have a cleaner edge brush!

9. Now use the SMOOTH tool with LOWEST INTENSITY from the right bar to blend the colors. (lowest intensity so it won’t affect the shape of the bread, and will just affect the colors)

now still with the SMOOTH TOOL, go FULL INTENSITY to smoothen the edges of the bread

10. NOW WE ADD TEXTURE! Let’s make a textured brush! First you clone the default brush

if you tap the brush icon, some options will appear, and choose CLONE

Then 2nd icon and under ALPHA..

Click the white square to import a picture that will become the bread’s texture!

turn on the screen project too

I forgot to mention this in the video but make sure after this, you tap the brush again and SAVE it! Or else it will reset when you close the app.

Here’s the bread picture besties

I showed this so you guys can make your own brushes by adding different pictures, but if you can’t be bothered for now.. i attached the bread brush below for youuu! (I also made a post on how to download NomadSculpt tools

So now that we have that brush.. last step is to adjust the VOXEL tool and make it higher

here’s what it would look like if the voxel thingy is LOW

vs. high voxel thingy

After you adjust the voxel, you might notice that the texture is EMBOSSED.. and that’s not very bread-ish of her, bestie!

So.. turn on the SUB icon on the left bar to DEBOSS the brush

Now, lower the intensity of the brush for the subtle bread texture

then back to paint tools and just clean up edges, add more paint to make it cuterrrr

Add darker colors to the crust

And maybe some color on the middle for that cute light toast effect

You can also adjust the thiccness or size of the bread again using the GIZMO tool! I like it thiccccc!



I hope you guys try this out and try 3d with me too so we can both learn together wooooooo!! i swear it’s so so so fun!

let me know if you guys want more of this 3d process posts!!!

thank uuuu

lov uuuu




Daniella Morico

was going to ask for a tutorial hehe thank you!!!!!


omg yayyy!! ill make more of thiss!!! its super duper fun i hope you try it too!!!