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Good evening besties!  

So this is just a little summary of the posts this month! 

I’m thinking of making an actual anatomy stuff next time for you guys, but when I initially planned this, I just thought I’d share this kind of stuff that works for me first!

I talked about colors, shapes, and spaces this month and how those elements help me figure out different kind of poses without actually learning anatomy hehe


Use random shapes of colors to separate the body parts! Then I add the details per part! Making sections like that helps me not get overwhelmed by the pose.

Reduce the body parts into its simplest form! Think of it as a whole shape instead of focusing on the anatomy.


You draw shapes instead of color blocking! 

It's literally just sketching lmao but I don't really know how to do that.... like those cool ass sketches?! Naur. I can't... so if I really need to do a "sketch", I just straight up draw simple shapes like this.  More like 3d shapes. Using colors first might be hard for some to visualize the 3d-ness of the shape.

If the whole pose is super easy to reduce into simpler shapes I just do it like that:

If you need to show more of the body parts,I separate the parts by joints, then reduce those parts into simpler shapes.

I also put other small stuff to visualize the 3d form of the shape.

Like the joints, small circles: 

And the mesh or cross contour: 

Cross contour helps with perspective and seeing flat shapes in it’s 3d form. Or the chunky form as i call it haha


This one i use a lot with the colors thing! I utilize the negative space to determine the pose.

With the colors and shapes technique, you reduce the body parts into their simplest form, but sometimes you can get hyperfocused on it, it’s like.. when artists flip their canvas horizontally to see if i’s balanced or to see the painting's flaws.. With this, I check the spaces around the main subject to check if the pose is correct.

I also use this when I paint portraits, with facial parts.

I treat this as the main subject and the thing around it the negative space.. Works super well for me!! (Looks goofy hahaha)

Once i got used to observing the spaces, i feel like it became easier for me to follow poses and actual placement of parts!

I’m glad you besties are here this month for this hehe!! I really like sharing stuff with you guys. When I first started my Instagram account I didn’t know where to start, it’s super overwhelming to navigate an unfamiliar territory so I hope by sharing these simple tips to you, you get something from it that can help you be less… overwhelmed! 

That’s it for this month guyssss! 

Next month, I got requests to do AR tutorials and more about the coloring stuff! If you guys have any tutorial requests, comment or message me, okayyyy?!?! 


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