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Reference picture is Rena Nounen! 

Kinda looks hard at first but u don’t have to do all the details!! I just want to see this in your style! Give me textures! Brush strokes! Give me colors!!!!
You can use any medium and also no pressure, just putting this out there just in case you’re in the middle of an art block or rut, or if you’re bored and u need something new to refresh ur skillszzzz!

Experiment and have fun kids!!!!!

Also.. deadline… is January 31st! Please upload it on our community section (use the browser not the app! You’ll see the “POSTS”,  “MY MEMBERSHIP”, then “COMMUNITY”!) I’ll share all the submissions in my IG stories! Make ur artcyll mama proud!!!

pls Don’t let this flop

u can do the most simple illustration


no pressure

but pls

also! Here’s my 2020 version:

And the 2021 version

And I’m currently doing the 2022 version!!

can’t wait to see yours!

no pressure





Omg yes!! I’m starting it asap

Jade Taylor

I'm gonna give this a try!!!!