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I mentioned trying out lots of mediums first so you know which would work best for you, so here is a list of materials u can try (and some unnecessary comments haha)

I based the price range on beginner material prices. Obviously, you can always buy more expensive stuff but I always recommend starting with beginner products first!



 I've only used this a few times, the flow is similar to acrylic, but tempera is thinner!!  It's also one of the cheapest so it's a great medium to use for practice.


This comes in pans and tubes! Watercolor tubes are more vibrant though!! Watercolor produces very... soft.. and semi-transparent colors. You usually have to paint in layers! and you need to learn some proper techniques too. 


I've only tried gouache a couple of times so i'm no expert! But it kinda works like watercolor, but... thicker? 


Sorry pencil fans, I really hate it. Pens and pencils... I can't. I'm so bad at it.... cons: can smudge easily.. requires great technique too.. pros... I guess it's one of the most accessible materials. Super cheap. 



Thicc. it's thicker crayons, so it's easier to blend.


hmmmmmm my biggest problem with regular and colored pencils is that... it really requires practice and studying techniques?? Unlike with paints.. I think you can kinda dab into small painting projects right away and you'll be able to make something.. 


you guys know I'm a solid acrylic gorl. It's super easy to dry (can be a disadvantage too because you'll need to work fast!), there's fluid acrylic, soft body acrylic (the one I use!) and heavy body acrylic. The soft body acrylic, for me, is the easiest one to use and blend!! 


this can get pricey too, especially the high end markers like copic???????? it's around $6 each??? in this economy?!!!

  • Crochet & felting!!!

I haven't tried these yet but i'm planninh on trying felting!!! it's so cute?!!! but looks like it needs lots of time and focus!!

  • CLAY

You can try air dry clay (cheaper and more beginner friendly) and there's oven bake clay (better quality!) too, but it could get expensive if you need to buy a smol toaster oven.



Takes so much time to dry if you don't use other mediums! Can be pricey, you'll need to buy varnishes, good brushes, solvents to clean the brushes. I also used WINSOR & NEWTON LIQUIN, which helps make the oil paint more.. fluid and helps with drying time!! 


Cons: super hard. Messy. You'll need lots of practice. The materials can be pricey. Pro........... very cute.


I think the only con is that tablets are SO freaking expensive!!!! It's the great investment though


I want to try this so bad but I remember adding up the price of materials, the frame, the tufting machine, the yarns, the gooey stuff you need to put on the back, the backing material... I think it all adds up to at least $1k????? There's PUNCH NEEDLE TOOLS though, super cheap, you'll also just need like a muslin cloth and cheap yarns and.. patience....it's 10x slower than the machine.

Where I buy my art stuff:

I got most of my acrylic paint bottles from Walmart haha It's like a dollar each bottle. And brushes too.. I use cheap brushes... oh and sculpey clay too.. I get all of it from walmart....... 

Ipad Pro from.. apple hehe

The only online site I buy from is dickblick! I've bought paint, brushes and canvases from them!! Shipping could take a week though. :< 

that's ol 

hope u guys have a cute weekend... stay safe.... hydrate.... good luck finding an art material to use hehe 

 shoutout to ur families.. 


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