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Henlo frens!

Good news!! I'll be able to send all the delayed packages this week!! 

Kind of a bad news though.. I'll be closing this Patreon account temporarily! You guys won't be billed anymore in February. The delayed packages is one of the main reasons, it really bothers me a lot not giving out stuff on time. Although I know you guys understand why I wasn't able to mail these past few months, I still feel bad delaying stuff all the time when I promised and put it in my tier descriptions that mail will be sent out monthly!! :<

When I'm able to send out mail monthly, I'll certainly go back here again!! It really breaks my heart leaving this space, I think it's gonna be 2 years now since I first started this account! Some of you guys have supported me since the very first month, and most of you aren't even artists!! I really want to express my gratitude to all of you for helping me out all this time, for supporting me financially, and for being such nice and supportive frens!!!! 

But!!! I'm not entirely quitting! I'll be launching a Ko-Fi account, where I'll be putting similar content to what I've been posting here. It's just that Ko-Fi will not have physical mail stickers and prints, I will focus more on posting a lot more content, tutorials and maybe finally I'll be able to sell brushes! I also like that people can donate one time, I can do commissions and sell digital content there, which isn't an option here on Patreon.

If you guys would want to continue to support me on that platform, here's the link!  I'll start posting this month!! 

Thank you guys, really!!! I lof u all!!!!! 

(Post will continue this month though!! Page will stop, and you guys won't be billed starting February.)


Jade Taylor

lof u friend, I hope ko-fi works out well for you. I'm a little broke right now so it might be a while before I can start supporting you there 🥺💕💕💕


!!!! U don’t have to worry bout that fren, I understand! I’m extremely grateful for your support all this time! :<


So sad I didn’t see this til now!! I love your art so much and many of my homies recognize your stuff around my apartment because I talk about you so much! Hope to see you on here again soon fren!!! Have a great 2021!!!!