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Henlo Frenssss! First of all, I’d like to thank you guys for understanding my situation! I really hate to delay the packages, I feel so guilty taking your money and not giving something tangible back!!! 

I’m still trying to work the mailings with a fren, I hope she could do it this month. coz it’s still kinda risky for me to go out, I’m taking care of my mom and we’re trying to be extra careful  of to pass anything to my sister. So... I promise I’ll work it out! I’ll Take pictures of the stuff I do so y’all know I’m working on it hehe If I can’t get it to you guys this month, I’ll try it on January, and if you guys would want a refund, I’ll be happy to do it please don’t hesitate to message me!! 

But for now, thank you again for understanding my situation with delaying the packages. I lof u all!!!

Here’s some paintings I haven’t posted yet! 

Oh this one I just did today hehe I was gonna try a walk cycle animation, I watched an hour long lesson on Skillshare and it’s just,,,.... too much! Super overwhelming. My small brain can’t do that right now.

And some experimental paintings!! Really having fun with textures lately.. although it kinda gets messy and over the top.. 

I’ll try to be extra active this month!!!1 hope you guys are doing welllllll, and PLEASE don’t catch the rona!!!


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