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A little bread kitty process video!!

Ok here I thought January was long and chaotic! Sorry for not posting a lot you guys, it’s been really hectic here and I’m sure y’all are stressed about what’s happening too! It’s all going on so fast!!

First, I wanna address that I’m unsure if I’ll still be able to send some letters internationally because of the travel bans going on, I don’t know if it’ll affect the mailing service but i’ll find out on Monday! But for my frens here in the US, i’m pretty sure y’all will still get the letters!

Second!!! I’d like to say that if it’s gonna be hard for some (or all) of you to support me financially here, it’s okay! In our current situation, we all gonna have to prepare for whatever’s gonna happen, and I understand if you’re gonna need to stop the support.

I love u all and please, please, please!!!! Please stay safe!


Bread kitty!!!


Sean Tretheway

Hello! Thank you for your concern. You are very kind. As an international supporter, I would prefer that you don't send me anything at this time. I want you to take any money you get from me and use it to further your amazing art! You have a gift and, although I appreciate that you want to give back, I want to support you in the small way that I can. I will buy more of your art one day, I love the painting you sent and it is in a special place amongst my displayed collection. All the best to you! I admire your talent! S.

Jade Taylor

Don't worry about the physical rewards fren, take care of yourself 🥺💕


i lof u jaaaaaaaade! I decided not to send letters this month. I will double the stuff to send next month if it gets better! Or if you want a refund you can just let me know!!! :( Thank you so much for supporting me as always, please take care!


Thank you so so so much Sean! I will the double the stuff to send next month hopefully if the situation gets better, if not I can always refund you guys. But again, thank you so much for supporting me and appreciating my art! Please take care!!