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A step by step of the eye painting video above! Plus, I'm gonna share some tips y'all can use to paint eyes in general!

First things first! I only used this jagged brush, it comes with the app under the painting section.

TIP # 1! For some spicy practice, add your reference picture above your painting and on the side (which i didn't do here hehe) to help you with accurate positioning and sizes.

Then I start putting the basic shapes and colors, the base color and undertone of the skin. Outline the eyes and add the iris (that color blue on her eyes) and pupil (the black dottt)! 

Pink undertone around her eyes! 

 TIP # 2! For the eyeball, DON'T USE WHITE COLOR. Pure white will make it  look unrealistic. And like how I do it traditionally, my go-to colors for the eyeballs are light gray or light blue then put a darker value of that light gray or light blue on the outer part of the eyeball to give it more dimension. Make it extra darker around the eyeballs to give it some shadow effect!

TIP # 3!  One of the most common mistakes in painting eyes is not putting enough shadow between the eye and the upper eyelid. (Left pic below! That's the shadow I'm talking about frens!) By just adding a darker shade of your base color in between that area, it makes it more realistic.

Don't forget to put highlights above that shadow area, you need to put the lighter shade or the highlight to make the shadow pop even more.

Next step is add the crease. Also an important thing you shouldn't forget to give that crease a more realistic look is, again,  to put shadows. Shades are darker on the skin area near the crease. So you gotta put that darker shades on top and just below the crease.

Don't forget the tear duct part and the lower eyelid!!

  • Add a dark shade around the tear duct part for shadows
  • And a darker shade of color of the skin on the lower eyelid, then put a lighter shade on it. 

Here's an additional spicy tip, the reason why I paint the darker shade first then put the lighter shade is because it looks reaaaaaal ugly if you're gonna paint those dark colors sharply. See below! Not spicy realistic. There's more depth and it gives that traditional painting look if you do it like you're layering in traditional painting.

Add the highlight and shadow for that lower eyelid. That's the biggest thing you should apply to your paintings, highlights to make it pop more and shadows to give it that 3d look and depth!

There's always a darker shade on the outer area around the iris. You can also add some strokes starting from the outside of the pupil to the iris, just small, subtle strokes, and you don't want it to be super distinct lines. 

TIP # 4! To achieve that subtle strokes for your eyebrows and iris, use the smudge tool!! Then make strokes that follow the eyebrow strands. For the iris, the strokes should be towards the pupil!

Also, after you use the smudge tool, it'll be a little blurry so you gotta use the smallest brush size to add spaces and little strands.

SUPER SPICY TIP # 5! I know how hard it is to paint eyelashes so here's my little trick! Use a medium size jagged brush, paint that eyelash even though it's thicc lookin, then USE THE ERASE TOOL to make those little strands!!!!

Same goes with the eyelashes on the lower eyelid!

TIP # 6! For the flow of the eyelashes, follow the direction of the eyes. On the left side, the eyelashes should be drawn towards the left, the right part eyelashes should be drawn towards the right and for the middle part, it's a mix of left and right!

Just add more highlights and the light reflection on the eyes andddd that's it! Here's the final painting!

LAST SPICY TIP!  You have to treat this like you're painting traditionally too, don't just make one stroke of color, change up the values of the colors ( again, because skin is not just one block of color!) and make sure to lower the opacity so the base colors won't change drastically. 

On the picture below you could see the subtle colors on the skin, the subtlety is achieved by lowering the opacity of the color you're using! 

AAAAnnndd that's it for my first digital tutorial! I hope you got some tips form it and if you have questions or need help regarding this thing (or any other thang) PLEASE message me!!!!


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