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Chapter 3, called Karma, will be released next Friday, February 3. It will be darker than the previous chapters, but it is done to justify future actions. I hope you enjoy it

On the other hand, I want to go back to the biweekly format, so I want to revive old ideas and make remakes... Here are some ideas


The story of Olimpia and Tobías, a very long married couple that led them to have their own business in a bookstore in the center of the city supported by the municipal government. Olimpia, 76 years old, suffers a cardiac arrest that forces her to stay in bed. Concerned, Tobías tries to obtain money for his wife's medical expenses, desperate and not knowing what to do, he thinks of selling the bookstore and everything inside it. But his wife makes him promise that he would not do such a thing, even if he died. With no other option in mind, he decides to read the occult section in the library for days and finds a remedy that will bring him increasing results.

lost on an island

Nancy and Gray are a married couple celebrating their 20th anniversary, their children are in college and they live practically alone, they went to a paradise island to enjoy their vacations, what they don't know is that when they return, they are attacked by a great white shark, in communicate, they will have to learn to adapt and survive with increasing events.

I want to make new stories that involve a lot of sex scenes and growth spurts... while I still continue with the other

What do you think? Thank you very much for continuing to support me and being patient



Jakken Haggar

Chap 3 nice! The story really takes up speed now :) Always cool if an artist comes up with innovative stories, where sizechanges or other expansion happen in accordance to the story and world – so that’s a thing to look forward to. But scenes with kids/teens or too old folks is not my taste, but maybe the occult section in the library will do something about this?


I have a very marked addiction to milfs,... but in every scene of grow .. the body woman suffers age regresion, cause i like the youngs bodies too .. I'm a mess