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my future wife is 6 weeks pregnant...i am very happy about it...but i know it will be complicated by our economic situation

I am currently paying for land to start building a home

But before it's mine... I'll have to move in with my current girlfriend... I currently work in another city, but she agreed to ask for a change in her job and move in with me...

I'm excited and nervous at the same time...next month I will commit myself to get another job...to be able to contribute to my son's future expenses, a rent and necessities for my girlfriend...also for a wedding if necessary ....

I currently work 10 hours a day for 12,000 Mexican pesos per month (600 US dollars).... my goal is to earn 20,000 pesos per month (1,000 US dollars)

The bad thing is that when I get another job, I won't have a way to continue publishing on this patreon... although it's not like I have much free time right now... so I'll gradually leave it and upload much less frequently... ............I ask you that when I publish that I will no longer be able to upload content... you unsubscribe

Thank you very much for reading this....


